Chapter 14

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Thomas and I were loving each other more each day, I was downtown doing some shopping while Thomas was playing with Fenir nearby.

I was coming back with two hot chocolates when I saw a scene I didn't expect to see... Thomas and Taylor kissing.

Thomas? - I said crying - I can't believe it!

Joannah!- He ran after me- Joannah...wait!

You kissed Taylor, how can you do that?-

She who kissed me, pulled me in for a kiss, everyone saw!-

I do not believe in you!-

I ran away from there, into the woods near the mountain by the cottage.  I was running so fast I didn't see when I tripped and hit my head going out there.


Thomas POV.

Joannah! - I yelled running after her - Joannah wait!

I ran along with my dog ​​after her, I almost lost Joannah once and I can't lose her again.  It was raining and there was no sign of Joannah there, I arrived at the cottage and didn't see her there, it gave me a huge despair... Maybe she is missing or lost.

I ran to the center to get police help, my desperation was clear, I thought I had lost her forever.  I went with Fenir and the police to the forest that overlooked the mountains, as there was no sign of Joannah around, we thought maybe she would be there.

Joannah! - I ran to her catching her unconscious from the floor - Wake up, come on, wake up!

She was taken to hospital still unconscious.  I ran there, but ended up leaving Fenir at the cottage with plenty of food and water until my return with Joannah from the hospital.

I was nervous, she was being scrutinized and so far no sign of her waking up.  I cried with worry, until I heard the doctor's voice who was serious and called me urgently to talk about my Joannah.

Mr Hiddleston!-

Yes! - I said nervous and worried - How is she!

Well, it's a touchy subject, she doesn't remember who she is, and absolutely nothing!

What?- I didnt know how to react to such news, as Joannah had forgotten about me?

Do you want to see her? - the doctor asked curiously

Of course! - I said entering the door quickly in the hope that such news was a lie - Hi!

She looked at me delightedly and gave a slight smile, in which, for a moment I thought she had remembered me but to no avail.

Who are you?-

My name is Thomas and I'm your boyfriend!-

Boyfriend? - She spoke amazed and smiled - Wow... and what's my name?


She smiled at the way I held her hand and soon the doctor called me to talk.  Joannah was looking at me curiously, as if she had seen the most beautiful thing in the world.

I took her to the cottage where she looked at it as if she was trying to recognize the place.  I kindly took a picture of us and showed her that I was not a person she needed to be afraid of.

See, it's you and me! - I said worried looking at her and questioned again - You don't remember anything?

Sorry but no!- she looked at me thoughtfully- Your name?


Thomas, what is this place?-

It's a cottage I rented for the two of us to spend a few days together, but we'll have to go back sooner!-

I was sad, I can't believe Taylor had the ability to kiss me to the point of doing everything for Joannah to see it all.  Now she doesn't remember anything at all, not even what we've lived through, because of the amnesia she suffered.

I'll have to win her back again, but I'm afraid I'll lose her with the sadomasochism story.  Ah... And now, how do I tell her we've been together in the same house for months, my god and if that never goes away, I can't live with her like this without remembering me.

She played with my dog ​​and I watched her, I was drinking a glass of wine and I turned on the fireplace as it was very cold and we needed to warm up.  She looked at the bed curiously and I thought maybe it would be better if I slept on the couch so she would feel more comfortable.

Is it serious that you don't remember anything about me?-


I looked down sadly and almost started to cry, that love she had felt for me was gone along with her memories, but is it?

She looked at me like she was trying to decipher something in me and I smiled slightly making her get up and come to me.  If you were someone very important to me, then I need to try to remember you!- she said and hugged me- Will you help me?

Yes I help! - I said and kissed her forehead - Sorry!

I liked it, could I give you one more? - He said cutely - According to you I'm your girlfriend, right?

Yes, why?-

Nothing, it's for me not to forget and try to remember you!-

But what if you don't remember?-

I'll make an effort, but I believe you when you said about being my boyfriend!- she said smiling gently- You're so beautiful, my god, I hit the jackpot!

I smiled and gave her another kiss on her forehead, she stayed there hugging me.  Then she lay down and I went to research how to act in the situation she was in, after all amnesia often doesn't reverse, I wasn't going to give up, she needs to remember me at all costs.

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