Chapter 6

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That morning I woke up with my head feeling like it was going to explode in pain.  I turned to the side and noticed Tom still sleeping, it must have been around 10 am and he also seemed to have a hangover.

Tom! - I said shaking him in a delicate way - Tom, wake up!

What was it Joannah? - he said, muttering under his breath, still sleepy.

Where is there a remedy for a headache?-

In my bedroom drawer there is one, on the left side! - He spoke quickly and mumbled something again - Let me sleep I'm finished, you gave me a great job!

Hi? - I said scared not understanding anything at all - What do you mean?

You drank too much that it was difficult to bathe you and bring you!-

Wait a minute, did you give me a bath?-

I put you in the shower Joannah, I didn't have the pleasure of doing that!- he said muttering sleepily- Go get the medicine and go back to sleep!

I left and went to his room, opened the door and saw the dresser on the left side.  I opened the drawer and then took the pill right there in the dry where it went down my throat in a rough way.

My head ached and I wanted to lie down more but something in me told me to stay there.  I looked at that room full of huge mirrors and walked all over it, got to his closet and then looked at something lying on the floor.

Handcuffs? - I said, getting curious - Why would Tom have handcuffs?

I walked a little further there and soon noticed a door that was hidden behind his colorful blazers.  Curiously, I opened the door and my eyes couldn't believe what they saw.... Whips, handcuffs, chains, everything you could imagine was there.

My god... Tom is a sadomasochist! - I spoke in shock not believing what I saw- My god!

I had decided to talk to him and hear from him whether this was true or not.  I left and went back to my room, I announced my entrance there making Tom wake up and face me while I was thoughtful on the end of the bed.

You're weird, what happened?-


Joannah!- He came close and took my arm tightly, whispering- What happened Joannah, tell me what happened?

Thomas, I need to hear it from your mouth!-

What? - He was staring at me - Tell me!

Do you have any kind of fetish like sadomasochism?-

Tom smiled and walked over to me seductively.  I had the handcuffs in one hand with them behind me and apprehensive about what might happen.  Tom took me by the arm extending the handcuff making that perverted Loki face.

Surprise! - he whispered in my ear in a sarcastic and seductive way - You just discovered my secret!

Knew it! - I spoke victorious and outrageous - Knew that this cute face was actually a scene to hide your sadistic Loki face!

Ahem... -He said staring at me sexy and angry- You haven't seen anything dear!

Toooooommm! - I said stuttering and panting down - Peeeelo love of god do not do this!

What? - He pinned me to the wall and spoke in an extremely provocative way - That?


Darling if I was going to do something without you wanting to, I would have done it yesterday after you kissed me!-

Wait, did I kiss you? - I said aloud incredulously and at the same time excited - My god!

Tom looked at me with a serious and sexy face.  He just pressed his nose to mine staring at me and grinned sadly at me.  He released me and walked to the bedroom door and left without looking back.

I stayed static there on the wall trying to get some air I needed.  Was that man a vision of heaven, a god, a lord, something I was trying to imagine how a man like that could be a sadomasochist?

I went downstairs and he was making coffee for both of us, that sight was extremely beautiful and seductive.  Fenir saw me and gave a bark, attracting Tom's attention, who looked at me sideways along with a wicked little smile and turned his attention back to what he was doing.

I sat on the couch and turned on the TV and faced with a scene that made me go into total shock.  The film 50 shades of gray was playing there with a scene almost similar to the one five minutes ago that happened with me and Tom, at the same time I changed the channel to something that made Tom watch me for a while so charming and with one smiling in admiration.... Thor Ragnarok was on and I love this movie so much.

It hits Hela, go Loki! - I said loudly and looked to the side seeing Tom there making a funny face for the way I watched the scenes with him - My God, sorry for my euphoria Tom, but I love Loki!

Is it just Loki?- he. spoke sarcastically and biting his lip discreetly.

What? - I said looking scared understanding what he said there - What did you insinuate?

Nothing, I want to know why you kissed me like that at the bar?-

That way?-

In a wild way!-

Maybe because I was drunk?-

Remember, everything you say or do drunk is something you really want to do with someone! - He chuckled discreetly and shook his head not believing I was playing dumb. quiet!

Tom, you're thinking too many things!-I said, diverting the subject and taking the cup in his hand- Hey, coffee, thank you!

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