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Rose woke early the next morning all by herself. It was an eery feeling when she woke to silence, no one in her bed.

Apollo was sleeping in his cage when she woke. Feeling bad, she woke the owl for only a moment. "Take this to Marlene and Lily when you're ready. Not a moment before, get your rest," she told the animal, letting its head.

This was the first day of her course. The hospital in Rome was one of the most advanced in Europe. Rose ate breakfast and brushed her teeth, got ready in her clothes and prepared herself for the day.

When she was ready, she slung her pack over her shoulder with a book and quill and walked out of her flat. She had the address to the hospital and apparated to the front door.

The building was hidden from muggles so none would ever come inside. But it looked like a muggle hospital. The outside of the building was pure white, with the logo of potions and a wand.

"Reparto di guarigione di St. Rosetta" was its official name in Italian. Translated to English, it would be called St. Rosetta's Healing Ward.

Rose walked inside. This hospital seemed to combine some muggle technology with the Wizarding world. The lights inside were electric and they used some muggle hospital machines. But much of it was controlled with magic, magic Rose had never seen.

The walls of the interior were white, flowers painted on. Ahead of her was a sign. They had a pediatrics ward, magical illnesses, psych ward, curses ward, wand misfires, magical creature mishaps, neurology, and many other sections. Rose had her eyes set on the reception, which was the hallway to the left.

She walked toward it and saw about five witches and wizards in robes manning the desk. They were writing on pages and handling patients.

Rose walked up to the desk and one of the witches asked her something in Italian. "Oh... I'm sorry, I don't speak Italian," she said with a wince.

The witch looked at her strangely. "I'm from London, a student? I'm here to take the advanced healing course. Rose Evans," Rose tried to explain. Thankfully, the witch understood her and nodded.

She clicked a button on the desk and a few minutes later, an older witch came around the corner. The woman looked around until she saw Rose.

"Rose Evans, right?" She asked in an Italian accent, Rose nodded, shaking her hand. "I'm healer Anna Romano. You can just call me doctor Romano. Come, we have much to discuss," Dr. Romano said, walking off quickly.

Rose took a moment before she jogged after the doctor, walking briskly beside the lady. "So, this course is usually completed over a year but as I understand, you don't have that time," the young girl nodded.

"Be prepared to work day and night for five months. There's no way you'd be ready otherwise. We'll start with Peds and move on from there. Be ready to take notes, I'm only saying these things once," Dr. Romano said. Rose pulled out her notebook and enchanted the quill to write for her.

"This course also includes curse-breaking of new curses, you've taken arithmancy?" Again, Rose nodded. "Good. Peds is the easiest ward to work on. Most kids there have a case of magical chickenpox or have gotten into an unfinished potion. Follow me."


Rose's first day was exhausting. She only returned to her flat at 3 am and was expected back by 6 am the next day.

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