2| first impressions

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Chapter 2

I'd much rather take my own car to go to training, but I was shoved into a fucking limo. There were two huge seats facing each other. Marco opposite from me, Dante beside me, Nio diagonal from me across from Dante.

This was my spot, next to the window. If anyone ever sat in it, I wouldn't hesitate to pull them out by the top of their hair and claim my spot.

I hadn't realized I blocked out the sound since they are complete idiot for making the poor driver blast rap music. Dante looked just as annoyed, but would occasionally bop his head or tap his foot.

Marco decided it was a good idea to get some rest by resting his feet directly beside me on my seat. Needless to say I'm not letting that happen, "get the hell off my seat."

He woke up from the movement and sat back up, "Cagna, it's a fucking seat."

I rolled my eyes, "yeah, my seat. How would you like it if I rested my feet on yours?"

"I wouldn't do anything because I am a loving brother." He straightened up proudly.


"Lies, your just a little bitch." Antonio laughs causing Dante to join in.

He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, he may be the second oldest of the 4 of us, but acts like he's 10.

We pulled up to headquarters and started getting out of the car, I was the last one to leave, "hey, driver?" I knocked on the little window that separates us.

"Yes?" He responded politely, rolling the window down.

I smiled trying to stay as nice as possible, "Sorry for all the commotion, I know we're a pain."

He laughed, "it's no problem, miss."

I thanked him and handed him some cash. I'm sure he gets payed lots by my father to have the trust to drive us to headquarters, but I'm in a good mood today sooo.

I got out of the car and was greeted by Carlos. The second I stepped in head quarters, I changed my face as the boys like to call it.

I'm known for keeping a very blank expression and being insanely skilled of course. Also because my father runs the whole thing, but he's going on his own mission soon. It's been a while since he has done his own.

I heard Antonio mention something about someone coming to visit, it's probably just a 'girlfriend'.

"I didn't know that, wow it's been a while." Marco joined the conversation.

"Who?" I snapped out of it as we made our way to our personal training room.

As soon as he was about to answer, he was cut off by the door opening again. We all looked in its direction to see Carlos bring in a boy. Our should I say man? No, no, I don't know any of his qualities that qualify him as a man, for now I'll call him a guy.

Antonio ran up to him and embraced him tightly along with the rest of my brothers.

Hmm maybe it isn't Antonio's girlfriend.

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