4| time of our lives

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Chapter 4

After the meeting I went straight to my room, avoiding Haze as best as I could. I mean, sure it's fun having someone from another mafia my age to hang out with, but to live with? That's another story.

I laid flat out on my bed, staring at the ceiling. I've been thinking a lot about my mission on Thursday. I haven't killed anyone in a few days, that's a record.

I know I'm gonna go through with it because I always do, but it's messing with my brain. I actually know the guy this time, we were close. I'm guessing that's why my father is sending me, he was even closer.

I got up and walked over to the window, the city was always lit up and loud, though it never bothered me. Everyone walked around so happy.

Being happy here, you'd be seen as sick. I mean, we kill, torture, you know, all the kinky shit.

I sometimes feel the way they did, but I can't seem to hold it. Like something is preventing me from actually being happy. I don't know, society I guess.

I figured I'd leave my room, since I started to hear loud music coming from two floors down. That's where all of our parties take place. It's just really open. All the mafia leaders in including my father were at a workplace training. So we had the apartment to ourselves. Except our mom, she was in their room which was connected to their office. That shit was always locked up, so she'll be fine. Plus, they have everything they need in there.

I made my way downstairs to notice a bunch of guests already here. Fuck I love parties. The lights were dimmed with the coloured ones flashing. The bar was open with my favourite bartender.

I walked over towards him, "Ayy, Demetrius, how've you been."

He laughed and placed a glass he was drying down, "Stella, I'm pretty good actually. How bout you?"

I took a shot he had given me, "same as always." I placed the shot glass down.

"Well, go party." He shooed me away, I laughed and walked off to the boys.

I was caught off guard by my best friends walking through the door and shouting my name.

"Stella, you beautiful bitch get over here!" They walked towards me with their arms open.

I laughed and speed walked over to them. Once I got there we had a big hug.


I sat with the boys talking about god knows what. I couldn't seem to take my eyes off Stella talking to that bartender.

I don't know, I can't look away. The way her dress compliments all of her features to her hair, her eyes, her smile, her figure, everything.

She was on her way over here, but got sidetracked by this guy and girl. I'm gonna take a wild guess and say those are her best friends.

Wow, so wild Haze.
Shut up.

She looked like she was having a good time. She looked happy, I on the same hand was. I mean, I'm hanging out with my best friends I haven't seen in 3 years, I have unlimited access to alcohol, and well I get to look at -

We're not so different.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt