8| miss me?

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My flight went by pretty smooth. I tried keeping a low profile because well... I'm in Italy. And guaranteed there are people after me, which I have no idea what to do about that.

I told myself I was gonna sleep on the flight since I am exhausted, but I only ended up doing some research.

When I went back into Russo's office to 'hide', I noticed the file he had handed me.

Yeah, I took that shit.

I kept seeing pictures of me out in public, or even pictures of my building. It also said something about how my mother was more connected to case. It mentioned how she had given me the only key.

I don't have a key anywhere, but the file says that it's on me somewhere, like I always wear it. I don't really wear jewelry except for a silver chain I stole and some silver studs my mom got me a long time ago.

I got through security fine, since I had disposed of all my weapons in some alley when I got out of the taxi.

When I stepped foot out of the airport, multiple people attacked me with hugs. At any other time I would threaten them, but I just let it happen.

"Hey, douche bags." I giggled, slowly being suffocated by my brothers.

Dante grabbed my arms and shook me, "I will never. ever. let that happen again."

I rolled my eyes sarcastically, "yeah, yeah, I'm fine. But I'm sleep deprived and need to fix whatever the hell you guys did."

We all started walking towards the car when Antonio stopped me, "Stella."

"Yeah, what's up?"

He sighed, "are you okay? Like honestly."

I gave him a reassuring smile, "I'm good."

He nodded and walked with me to the car.

I missed the loud ass car rides, and the amount of times I have to tell Marco to move over. Even though I was only gone for about two days since I was passed out, it felt like forever.

I know that most people expect siblings to hate each other and talk shit 24/7.

And although we do do that.

I'd risk my life for every single one of them... except maybe Marco, he owes me two grand he bet playing poker with money he didn't have.


When managed to get to the house pretty quickly, but mom wasn't even outside to greet me.

"Stella, mia bell."(my beautiful) My father greeted me with a hug.

"Hey, Papà. Where's mamma?"

"Si è ammalata mentre eri via. È ricoverata a casa." (She got sick while you were away. She is hospitalized at home.) He spoke while looking down.

I lifted his head up, "it's okay, Papà, she'll be alright."

How did this happen so quickly?

He smiled and hugged me again before heading inside to see her.

In the corner of my eye I could see Haze standing there anxiously. I let go of my father and walked over to him.

I smirked and winked, "miss me?"

He rolled his eyes playfully, "it was better when you were gone." He pulled me into a hug, lifting me up in the air and spinning me around.

I giggled, "okay, put me down before I beat the shit out of you."

He put me down with a smile as we stared into each other's eyes. I don't think I noticed how beautiful they were. They were deep brown, but told their own story. His brown eyes prove how independent, determined and self-confident he is. Yet, he never fails to remain humble. When people look at him, they'd get a sense of security and stability. He's also trustworthy according to my brothers. While he may want to act tough, his brown eyes portray how kind and sensitive he truly is.

"What?" He broke my trance.

I smiled, "your eyes."

He smirked while maintaining strong eye contact, "what about them?"

I smirked, I can't boost his ego that's too big for his body, "they're ugly."

"Oh shut up you liar. You love them."

I crinkled my nose in disgust, "nope, but whatever floats your boat." I winked and walked inside.

"What was that all about?" Dante asked.


"You and Haze..." he stopped me from stepping into my room.

"Nothing, he's my friend now too you know." I rolled my eyes.

"Stay away from him, he's not a good guy." He left aggressively.

"Sure." I mumbled closing my door.


I've been laying in my bed for about two hours. I haven't been answering anyone's texts because I don't have the patience and my head is killing me. I keep going in and out of a trance.

What the hell is going on with my life?

I can't sleep, I got kidnapped, I'm developing feelings for my brothers' best friend, I'm supposed to have a key, my mom is sick, Dante is mad at me, Antonio thinks I'm traumatized...

Why me?

It's like the luck of Stella has gone down the drain. I picked up my phone and went on Snap.
I kept staring at Haze's name.

Anyway, I'm hungry.


This one is kind of short, my bad.

It's 1 am and Christmas rn... I should probably sleep.... no i shouldnt.

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