11| Snatched

32 1 0


I slowly set Stella down after knocking her out. She'll be fine, but I have to get her to my car. I went to lift the girl up which didn't seem to be a problem. She was light, I'm surprised since she seemed to care about staying fit and her appearance.

Or maybe she's just hot.

Ehem, anyway. I carried her to the door of my car and buckled her seatbelt. The pretty girl was frozen. Her ski was cold to the touch. I threw my jacket around her and shut the door.

I got in the drivers seat and pulled out of the little alley. I really wish I didn't have to get to her this way, but orders are orders. She would get it.

Or she'll beat the shit out of you.
She'll do that either way.

I kept glancing at her, this is a really bad idea. Considering I've seen what she can do, she is not going to take this lightly when she wakes up... which will be fairly soon.

I listened to the radio as it played pretty good music while I drove quickly down the highway. The sooner I get to the hideout, the quicker I'll get out of being knocked out.

I'm starting to realize that driving so fast wasn't the best idea. The colour of red and blue lights flashed in my rear view mirror.

"Shit." I mumbled, looking over at Stella who was still asleep.

I pulled over and had my fake license in hand. Obviously I can drive, I'm 20 years old, I just can't have anyone know who I am.

Or bye bye world, and hello prison.

The cop walked up to the window and knocked on it. I rolled it down maintaining eye contact, with both of my hands on the wheel.

"Do you know why I pulled you over?" He asked, leaning on the window.

"Yes sir." I answered a bit more quietly.

He glanced over at Stella then back at me, "why you going so fast, son. Is she alright?"

Son? Fuck off.

I shook my head 'yes' , "me and my girlfriend were coming back from a friends place, and I was looking around for a hotel."

"Have you been drinking?" He asked.

"No sir." I answered honestly.

He looked back and forth between me and Stella.

"Step out of the car, please?" He asked.

I followed his orders as he brought me to his car to take a stupid breathalyzer and check my license.

Stella is gonna wake up any minute now.


I woke up with a slight headache, but that seems to happen every time I get up. I noticed I was in some pricy car and covered in a leather jacket.

I pulled it off and looked around. When I noticed the cop car behind us, I saw a familiar attractive face leaning against the cop car.

We're not so different.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang