15| the letter

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I had told Russo to drop me off a few blocks away from my building. He hesitated to unlock the car again, but did anyway.

"Tomorrow at 4:pm, be there at 3." I told him, leaning on his window.

He shook his head with a smirk, "since when did I take orders from you?"

I leaned into the window and turned his head, "since you developed feelings for me." I whispered, kissing him on the cheek and started walking away.

I walked up to the building with my heart pounding. I had told Ariah to cover for me that night I was in the car with Russo, so the boys should be fine.

I walked through the doors as guards watched me with wide eyes, "yup, I'm back!"

I entered the elevator and headed up to the penthouse. My heart started pounding even more as I got to the top floor.

The doors opened to the center of the room. Dante sat on the couch with a pop on his hand and Antonio passed out in the kitchen with his head on the counter. I didn't see Marco, but he's in his room a lot like me. I didn't see Haze either.

I expected my father to be at the work place or with my mom in the hospital room.

I walked in as if nothing happened, "hey Dante." I kept walking, giving him a wave.

"Hey." He returned the wave.

I walked down the hallway only to hear yelling.

"Wait, what the fuck! Stella!" He ran down the hallway.

I giggled as I kept walking away.

Next thing I know, heavy footsteps accompanied with my whole body lifting off the ground.

"If you ever do that to me again, I'll... I don't what I would do." Antonio was basically crushing me.

"That's sweet and all, but I need to breathe." I giggled, hugging him with a pat on the back.

He set me down, pulling me back into a hug. I hugged him back even tighter. I looked over his shoulder to see Marco standing down the hallway. I closed my eyes again and pulled away from Nio.

I stepped away from him and walked to Marco with my hands in my pockets, dragging my feet a little, "I came back... bad news for you, huh."

He shook his head and pulled me into a hug, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

I sighed, "I know... I'm sorry too, for everything."

He grabbed my head and forced me to look dead into his eyes, "You ever do that shit again, I'll have to kill you."

We both tried to stay serious, but ended up with big smiles and another hug.

"Where did you even go? You couldn't have been with Ariah that long." Dante asked as we accompanied him in the living room.

Ah shit.

"I ugh, I completed my mission." I ran my fingers through my hair.

They all looked at me, "you killed Robert." Dante said.

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