9| wanna make a blanket fort?

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I would wish you a merry Christmas, but this won't be published till like February.

Anyway, carry on.


I changed quickly into a oversized, white button up shirt and left my room

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I changed quickly into a oversized, white button up shirt and left my room. It was pretty dark, but I know my way around.

The guards don't really guard inside the penthouse, but they do with the entry. Plus, the lobby and parking garage, so I think I'll be fine.

I walked quietly and cautiously down the hallway hoping I didn't wake anyone.

I turned the corner only to be greeted by a hand flying over my mouth and pushing me up on the wall, "shhh, be quiet." He whispered.

I knew exactly who this asshole was.

I shoved him off of me aggressively, "get the hell off of me, Haze."

"Okay, okay, sorry." He chuckled.

"I was just kidnapped, Romano. That was a bit too early." I flipped him off and kept walking.

"Shit, my bad... Anyway where you going?"

"Somewhere you aren't." I rolled my eyes.

He chuckled, "well that's too bad because I'm coming with."

I looked him up and down, "clingy."

I started walking away as he followed behind, "so where are we going?"

I giggled, "to the kitchen."

He smiled, "that's great, I'm starving."

I shook my head, "of course you are."

"You calling me fat?" He put his arm on the door frame to the kitchen, preventing me from entering.

I seen him train and he's pretty built not gonna lie.

But I could totally beat the shit out of him.

I crossed my arms and look him up and down, "not at all."

We can't lie all the time.

He smirked and turned around, "I knew it."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "knew what?"

He walked over to the fridge and grabbed an apple, throwing it at me, "you're so attracted to me."

I caught the apple and took a bit, shaking my head, "you're delusional."

He sat down and leaned against the wall across from me as I laid on the counter, "not in the slightest."

I smiled to myself. I don't even know if I am. I can't get Russo out of my head, even though he's the enemy. And Haze is my brother's best friend.

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