14| I am the storm

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"Goodbye." The anonymous voice spoke.

Me and Russo turned around swiftly, only to notice a gun going back and forth from our faces.

"Ah shit." I mumbled.

I looked over at Russo, he looked pissed, but kept looking over at me. I mean, I don't blame him, I'm breathtaking.

And we are being held at gunpoint which is... fun.

"Get up." The tall, mysterious man ordered.

"You know, I don't really take orders from people who-"

"Get the hell up!" He snapped, cocking back the gun.

Russo got up quickly as I stood up slowly, I ain't no ones bitch.

"Move it." He demanded, getting behind us and poking me in the back with the gun.

I rolled my eyes and started walking. Russo kept glancing at me worried, I kept a subtle expression.

I'm not gonna lie, I was worried about Russo. Maybe it's all the shit that has happened between us, or the fact that I may or may not have feelings for him... I don't want him to get hurt.

I can already predict what's gonna happen: The guy is gonna bring us to Miguire. He's gonna decide our fate (which will be to end us im assuming). Then Russo is gonna say some stupid shit that's gonna make it worse. I'll just be kneeling there, figuring out how to get out of our situation.

It'll either end in victory or defeat.

And I will never except defeat.

He brought us into the building, catching the attention of Robert. The man walked up to him, but I couldn't hear what they were saying.

I looked over at Russo, he had his eyes fixed on the ground. I should have done this in my own instead of drag him into it.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled, looking down at my hands.

He looked over at me, "what?"

I looked over at him, he looked confused, "I'm sorry." I repeated, "sorry for dragging you into this."

He shook his head, "you didn't drag me into this, if anything it's my fault for letting you out of my damn car. Plus, I just don't want you to get hurt."

I sighed, looking down at his hand. He was fidgeting with his ring, spinning it around his finger. I reached over and held his hand, god this boy will be the death of me someday.

"So, you really thought you could end me, Stella? As you like to say." He smirked, walking over to us.

"As a matter of fact, yes. Yes I did." I smiled proudly.

The bitch slapped me, making my cheek start to sting. Needless to say, it was probably red now.

Russo's grip tightened in mine, "do it again, see what happens." He mumbled, here we go.

This is where it all goes to shit.

"What was that?" Miguire's expression filled with rage.

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