6| Russo

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I woke up in some kind of prison thing. I was laid on a bed with a decent pillow and blanket. I stood up and walked over to the bars.

"Hey! Get me the fuck out of here!" I yelled, not hearing or seeing anyone in return.

I banged on the bars a couple times, but no one came. I walked over to the wall and punched it as hard as I could, "FUCK." I yelled, looking down at my probably broken hand.

Fuck off.

I started to hear heavy footsteps headed my way.

Jesus, pick up your feet.

He stopped at the front of the bars looking at me sitting down on the ground with my back against the wall.

"That wasn't very smart was it." The man chuckled, referring to my bruised knuckles.

I stood up and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, pulling him into the bars, "you know what wasn't smart?" I pushed him away from the bars and pulled him back in as hard as I could, "Bringing me here!"

It knocked him out making him fall to the ground, "oops." I kneeled down able to grab the keys from his pocket and stood back up to unlock the lock.

I grabbed the gun that the guy had on him and loaded it, sneaking down the hallway.

Just when I thought I could actually escape this easy, another fatass throws me over his shoulder like a bitch.

"Okay, um kind sir. Can you not carry me like this?" I asked, my arms dangling.

"Why." He responds surprisingly.

I cleared my throat, "I'm wearing a dress, and this is very uncomfortable."

He stopped walking and put me down, "fine, but you have to corporate with me." He took the gun from my hands.

"Fine, only because you're swag."

We kept walking, "swag? That's an odd word to use considering we kidnapped you and you guys are meant to be the best mafia in the world."

I shrugged, "can I ask you something? I promise I won't tell anyone."

He hesitated, "depends on the question, but shoot."

I took a deep breath, "why am I here, and are my brothers okay?"

He looked down at me confused, "you know, when we first heard about you, you were intimidating and powerful enough to want us to keep you alive. Now that I'm speaking to you, you don't seem so scary."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Oh honey, this is an act. Now stop avoiding my questions cagna." (Bitch)

He chuckled, "that's what I expected." We turned the corner to a big door, "your brothers are fine, and our boss wants to talk to you."

He opened the big doors and stepped inside to a big office desk in the middle of the room. There was a huge bed to the side too, it looked really comfy.

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