17| the Rhodera will

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I woke up the next morning. Somehow I got to my bed, last I remembered I was on the roof. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, sitting up very confused. The confusion was quickly broken by a knock at my door.

They just kept knocking, I'm guessing till I opened it? Usually the maids knock and come in right away.

I put my head in my hand annoyed by the knocking, "Oh my god just come in!" I yelled.

"What, no!" I heard from behind the door, it sounded awfully familiar too. "Just come open it."

I walked over to the door and opened, "Haze, it's-" I checked the time on my nightstand, "7am, why are you here."

He sighed, "there's someone here. Your dad knows him?"

"Oh..." I walked further into my room, making him come in and close the door behind him.

I went to my closet and closed the door, still being able to hear him clearly.

"He looked familiar, I think he was at the party."

I changed into this^

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I changed into this^. I figured it wouldn't be anyone very important, so I just wore whatever.

I walked out of the closet to see Haze had made himself at home in my bed. He was cuddled up with my silky blankets and caressing a pillow.

"Comfy?" I giggled, making him jump up and fix my bed.

"Sorry, it just looked um... yeah it looked very comfy." He chuckled.

"And was it? " I chuckled, walking over to my door.

"I can confirm that yes, yes it was." He giggled, opening the door for me.

We walked out together, chatting up a storm when I dead stopped.

"Oh, mia bella, I want you to me Walter Russo." My father introduced me excitedly.

I forced an annoyed smile, "nice to meet you."

He smiled and held out his hand for me to shake. I looked up at Haze to see him staring at Walter.

They didn't look too pleased.

"Wait... Stella?" Antonio caught my attention, "Isn't that the guy you were dancing with at the party?"


"That's where I recognized him." Haze said through his teeth, "I'm Haze."

He walked up to him with his hand out, "Russo."

I stared at the way they both tightened their grip on each other's hands, "um." I pulled their hands apart, "can I talk to you for a quick second?"

I didn't let Russo answer, I just grabbed him by the hand and dragged him away, "okay, what the fuck."

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