18| i love my car

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We had all went back to our rooms to change into something for the mission. Usually we are supposed to wear black and something to cover our face.

Cliché, I know.

I put on a pair of black leggings since I cannot wear jeans. I'll be moving around too much. I threw on a cut off, black tank top and put on a hoodie over top.

I stashed a knife in my boot and grabbed my phone, putting it on do not disturb.

I left my room and walked down the stairs to see the five of them dressed in black, waiting.

"Oh fuck." I took the last step off the stairs.

"What?" Nio asked.

I looked at all of them individually, "this is gonna be fucking hell."

"I think this is gonna be fun." Marco wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

I looked up and him and grabbed his wrist, flipping him over my back.

I sighed, standing over him, "why couldn't I have been born with sisters."

I rolled my eyes and kept walking. Marco stood up with a groan, "if you did, life wouldn't be as fun."

"Actually life would be a lot easier." I crossed my arms.


I glanced at Russo, then back at him, "never mind."

"No, I want to know now. Speak bitch." He shoved me to the side playfully.

I shoved him back, "maybe if you guys weren't so terrifying to my 'friends', I would have a successful love life."

Literally. Last time I brought a boy over was when I was 16. Needless to say, he never came back.

"We're your brothers it's our job." Dante laughed.

"Well then you're all fired, got it?" I smiled innocently.

I could see Russo laughing in the corner of my eye, "shut the fuck up, Wall-E."

He stopped laughing and smirked, "okay, Sunshine."

Marco was looking at me with a scowl, "did you do your hair?"

"Yeah why?"

"We're going on a mission and you do your hair?" He rolled his eyes.

I huffed, "well maybe I wanted to look hot, if you want to keep questioning my life decisions, grab a number."

The boys each rolled there eyes.

I squinted my eyes and grabbed Russo's hand, "You walk with me, I don't want you near these four."

I turned to look over my shoulder and flipped them off, "Anyway, how do you think we'll do?"

"On the mission?"

"Yeah." I smiled.

"I'm a bit worried." He answered honestly.

"Why's that?"

He sighed as we walked down the building stairs, "they're gonna be after you the most. And I know you can protect yourself, but I'm just the slightest bit worried."

I shook my head with a smile, "I'll be alright, I'm more worried about passing out down that stairs." I huffed.

He chuckled, "yeah right."

"It's true, I'm out of shape." I huffed.

I'm partially lying,

"That is such bullshit, you're the most gorgeous girl I've ever fucking laid eyes on." He rolled his eyes jokingly and smiled.

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