21| mission=succeeded

16 1 0

We walked up to office door. I know these people are mad for many reasons.

1: I'm like really hot.

2: I'm the key to the will bla-bla-bla

3: I'm the first born daughter in Rhodera history.

Yeah, it's always been son's which I find hard to believe.

4: I killed Miguire.

As I should have.

"They're definitely in there." I told them quietly.

Haze nodded, "they'll probably attack."

"Most likely." Russo agreed.

"We're taking care of all the guys on the west side, you get to the office yet?" Antonio's voice came through our earpieces.

"We're head right now, don't talk to us." I told him.

I figured I'd do something dramatic to make like a total badass entrance. It's just me.

"I'm gonna kick the door down."

"You're what-"

I kicked the door, sending it toppling to the ground. Damn hinges must've been rusty.

Or maybe it's just my bodybuilding muscles.

"Get the fuck out of my house." I told the three people that were in the office, infuriated.

The dirtbag sitting in my dads chair smirked, "we've been expecting you, Stella."

His eyes trailed over my shoulder to Russo and Haze, "Walter Russo, what a shame we'd have to reunite like this."

I looked back at Russo with my heart pounding. His eyes were wide in shock, "what the fuck are you doing here, Marshall."

"Your name is Marshall?" I laughed, "I thought Wall-E over here was cute, but yours is a fucking Paw Patrol."

"A what?" Another guy asked.

I shook my head, "you know what, it doesn't matter. Get the fuck out or we'll shoot you right now." The three of us raised our guns at each other them.

"Shouldn't you be treating us with respect? We may spare your life for it." The only woman smirked.

I fixed my gaze in her, "my respect is earned. It's not something I give out for free."

For some reason, we didn't shoot once they ran towards us. We ended up fighting them instead.

Of course I was fighting the woman, "you know, I haven't fought a mafia girl in a while." I ducked under a punch, punching her in the stomach.

"Well get don't get used to it." She swept me off my feet with her leg, "you never will after I'm done with you."

She sat on top of me, punching me across the face repeatedly, "don't worry, I won't hurt that precious, perfect nose of yours."

I smirked through the blood from my mouth, "I'll take that as a compliment."

I managed to get an arm loose and send a punch right up into her jaw, sending her back, "maybe now you won't be able to talk shit."

She stood up and pushed me into the wall, sending punches into my stomach. I pushed her off of me, and kicked across the face.

We love a flexible queen.

She hit the ground, staying there, "just do it already."

I walked over to her, wiping blood from a cut in my forehead, "what? Kill you? That's exactly what I plan on doing."

She turned on her back.

I got her pretty good.

I kicked her in the foot lightly, "are you really giving up already."

She struggled to stand up at first, but managed to get on two feet, "fine."

For a second I was gonna beat her ass.

Until I felt the pain.

This bitch threw a knife at me.

Thankfully it was only in my right shoulder, in more of a softer part. I'll survive, I always do. I'm indestructible.

I looked down at the knife in my bleeding shoulder then back at the woman, "do I get to keep this or no?"

Her eyes widened and she stepped back.

I pulled out my gun and shot her in the head... yeah um, so that happened.

I walked out of the office room to see Haze and Russo standing beside the dead bodies of the men they fought off.

They looked back at me with wide eyes.

Russo ran up to me and gently held my shoulders, examining my wound, "jesus christ, you'll be alright."

I nodded, holding in the pain, "I know."

"Here, I brought this just in case." Haze handed Russo a roll of wrap.

"Good thinking." Russo took it.

"You can't wrap it successfully over a shirt, it could be loose." Russo told him.

He looked back at me with an awkward expression.

"I'm not taking my shirt off, just wrap the damn thing around my arm. Tight!" I told him.

He counted to three slowly and pulled the knife out of my arm.

Maybe I'm not as indestructible as I thought.

"Is that alright?" He asked, finishing up the wrap.

I nodded with my eyes closed, hiding potential tears that could fall.

I don't cry.

I never cry.

Well, I did that one time, but it doesn't matter. It's in the past now, plus my brother basically told me he wanted me dead, sooo.

"I want to go home." Marco walked down the hallway with a limp, Antonio and Dante had an arm wrapped around each other's shoulders.

"We got our asses beat." Dante told us.

"Us too, Stella more." Haze gestures to my arm.

"Jesus, are you alright?" Antonio walked up to me and hugged me, avoiding the wound.

I nodded and sighed, "Yeah, I'm okay."


"Let's get to that safe." I told them and walked back into the office.

None of us could remember exactly where the safe was since it's been so long.

I looked around the room and stopped at our big family portrait from when we were younger on the wall.

I tried lifting it up with one arm, but it was too high up and heavy. My right arm is in so much paint right now, I'd rather shoot myself.

"Can one of you take this off the wall, i can't reach it." I forced a laugh.

Russo had already been looking at me, "yeah, I can."

He lifted the painting off the wall with a grunt, "holy shit."

There she was, the famous Rhodera safe.

Antonio grabbed me a chair and set it beside me, "use this to get up there."

I nodded as thanks and stood on the chair, "so just hold my hand up?"

"I guess." Dante shrugged.

I followed my gut and held up my hand to a little scanned. It made a few sounds, but ended with the sound of unlocking.

"Holy shit." I pulled out the will and held it above them.

They cheered and grabbed it from me as I tossed down a couple wads of cash.

We did it.

We fucking did it.

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