10| passing out cold

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I woke up to the feeling of weight on my legs and stomach. I lifted my head to see Marco and his musty ass legs on mine, and Nio had his head on my stomach.

I gently lifted Nio's head off of me and moved Marco's legs off.

He woke up in shock, "Dude, what?"

I shushed him, covering Nio with my blanket and looking over to see Dante still passed out too.

We quietly left my room and shut the door carefully, "you had your filthy legs on mine."

We started to speak a little louder since we were away from everyone.

He sighed, "you suck."

I looked back at him, "huh?"

"You always favour Dante and Antonio. And I get it, Nio is your twin, but Dante doesn't even do anything for you." He stood up agitated.

"What are you talking about, I don-"

"You've never once taken in the fact that I have done so much for you, just because Dante takes the credit."

I didn't say anything because he just kept going.

I'm not a bad sister...
Are we?

"Here, I'll elaborate for you. When we were kids and mom and dad were gone, Dante was busy locking everyone out of his room, while I kept you and Nio busy. When Nio broke his arm and had to go to the hospital, I stayed home so that you'd have someone since you and him are so attached. When you got taken from us, Dante wasn't the one who started looking for you first, me and Nio were."

I could feel my eyes start to water.

"You are always so quick to assume that Dante did everything because he's the oldest. He didn't do shit for you. That was me. " he shook his head.


"Marco, Im so so-"

"Don't even, Alaura. I should've never found you anyway." He spoke under his breath.

My heart dropped to the bottom of my stomach. Is this really how I was? I really messed up around here.

Maybe they could use some time away from me again. Hell, Marco wouldn't care.

"Ok." I mumbled and started walking up to my room.

I could hear Marco say a bunch of stuff to try and get me to go back, but I didn't. Why would I When he just told me he should have never found me?

I ran into Haze when I walked around the corner.

"Woah, hey love... wait a minute, what happened?" He noticed my red eyes from holding back tears.

"Nothing." I walked around him, bumping into his shoulder.

I opened my door and slammed it behind me noticing Antonio and Dante had left, sliding down the back on the door. I brought my knees up to chest and just cried.

I just cried.

I'm so angry at myself for being such an idiot. I mean, I don't think I've ever pleased anyone at this point. I was never good enough for my mother, when all she wanted was her little girl. My father couldn't have asked for me to be his daughter since I'm such a pain. If Dante didn't do anything for me like Marco said, then he probably hated me too. I'm just a horrible person towards Marco and by being all of these... I'm letting Antonio down.

I leaned my head and back in frustration, "great going, Stella."

I stood up and went over to my desk. I pulled out a pen and paper to write a little not to Antonio saying that I'll be back in a few days or something and not to worry.

I added a couple other things in there, but it's not important.

I got dressed and grabbed my phone. I put some cash in a bag, along with other things I might need.

 I put some cash in a bag, along with other things I might need

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I walked out into the hallway and went to Antonio's room. He was passed out in his bed with his little baby blanket... he's 18, but it's okay.

I left the note on his dresser and walked out without waking him. I figured I would try and get to the stairs, since that's the only way I'm getting out of here.

Plus, no one expects me to take the stairs.


I looked down the stairwell at all the levels, "Fuck."


After a half hour of going down the stairs, I finally reached the lobby. I ended up sneaking pass some of the guards and made it outside no problem.

I didn't take any of my cars because they could just track it, so I was gonna walk to best friends' house because they'd never snitch on me.

I walked for about 20 minutes, and finally arrived at her apartment building.

I knocked a secret knock on the door, hearing her yell my name from inside.

"Stella, baby. Cmon in." She pulled me into a hug.


We were currently sitting in her empty bathtub wearing pink cowboy hats, sunglasses, scarves and beers in our hands.

This is exactly what I needed.

"Do you t-think the titanic actually sunk?" She stuttered. She is so drunk.

I shrugged, "Ye-."

She placed her hand over my mouth, "I thi- nk that it didn't hit an ice cube, it was an attack. Y-y- you know like someone put a bomb and blew up the side."

I stared at her confused, "it would have still sunk then Ari."

She looked at me with her eyes half open, "maybe."

I laughed and took a sip from my beer.

We spent the whole night having a girls night. I tell Ariah everything about me, so I told her about all the shit that happened.

I felt bad for leaving the boys again, so once it got too late I decided I was gonna walk back.

I brought Ariah to her bed and kissed her on the cheek. I made sure she was covered with her blankets and her apartment door was locked when I left.

I exited the building and walked quickly down the sidewalk. It was freezing. The cold made my breath look as thick as smoke. I rubbed my arms up and down since I didn't bring a jacket like an idiot.

In my defence, it wasn't that cold when I left.

I turned the corner to walk through the same old alley I use every time I visit Ari and was greeted with a cloth over my mouth.

I struggled to break from their grasp since whatever was on that cloth made me feel weak and tired.

Next thing I know, I'm passing out cold.

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