12| Not so enemy

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We pulled up to this garage in the the middle of nowhere. Like I'm serious, it was just a garage.

"Okay, what the fuck is this." I said as we pulled up to the front of the garage door, "my dog lives better then this."

He sighed and touched a button on his car, "You don't have a dog, Stella."

I looked over at him, "and how would you know that?"

He looked over at me with annoyed eyes, "I'm your 'stalker' remember?"

I stayed silent for a moment, "...well if I did, he would live better then this."

He didn't drive into the garage once the door opened. I noticed the floor go deep into some kind of underground thing.

"Why are we hesitating, stalker?" I tapped on the window.

He sighed, "you took your file, didn't you."

"What file?" Thats great, Stell. Play dumb.

He shook his head, "it's fine, I have another one anyway."

"You love taking pictures of me, don't you?" I smirked, opening the sunglasses compartment on the roof of his car.

He laughed, "if that's what you want to think."

I grabbed a pair of sunglasses that were in there and put them on, "how do I look?"

He smirked with a slight chuckle, "great."

I tilted my head down, "why are you so dry. Cmon now."

"Hot. You look so hot." He said exaggerated.

I smirked, "see? It's so much better when you speak your mind!"

He finally started driving into the base. It was kinda creepy to be honest. It was really dark with flashing lights, I mean, what if I was epileptic?!

"I think I'm gonna have a seizure." I turned my head away.

"You have sunglasses on." He shook his head.

"That doesn't mean I won't have a seizure."

He chuckled and turned back to the driveway.

Me, an empath, could sense that he was stressed out.

I squinted at him, "this isn't your base is it?"

He looked over at me confused, "how'd you know?"

I shrugged, "the look on your face."

"You don't even know me, how could you know my 'looks'?" He laughed.

I turned to him, "I may not know you very much, but I can read you like a children's book."

"Is it filled with pictures? Because I won't read it unless there is pictures." He smirked.

Humour? What's this?

"Yeah, mine." I smirked back.

"Even better."

I shook my head and placed the sunglasses on the top of my head, "so what's the plan? Massacre? Robbery?"

He put the car in park, "robbery... maybe murder."

"Can I do it?" I asked, making him look at me confused.

"No." He stepped out of the car, locking it before I could leave.

"Stalker, open the door. I want to help, especially when this is about me!" I knocked on the window catching his attention.

"I'm loving this whole trust thing we have going on, so I'm not gonna ruin it and get you killed." He looked down at me through the window.

We're not so different.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora