Chapter 5- I'm in my zone.

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-Thank God you're safe! Jisoo, are you okay?

-Yes, professor, we're alright. We just got lost a bit..

-Good. In the future, please call me when you think you're lost.

-Ok..but Taehyung told me that he called you..And you didn't answered.. *Jisoo seemed confused*

*Professor Choi checked his phone instinctively*

-No..No message,no calls.


-Jisoo would you come to help me with something?

*Jisoo turned her head to face Mr.Choi, as she wanted his permission.*

-Go, Jisoo, but you two make sure you won't get lost again.

*Jisoo eventually ran to Tae, who was standing in front of a supermarket*


*He took Jisoo's hand and pulled her body as a marionette, towards him. *

-Wha-What are you doing, Taehyung? *she stuttered, being too stunned to speak*

*Tae fixed her gaze then slowly pated the top of her head*

-You wanna die?'

-W-What are you talking about?

*She  began to tremble *

-Nevermind...Just stay in the shade with me! *she was confuse at his harsh tone.


Taehyung's POV:

I whish I could have tell you..That I'm really happy that I found you..Someone just like me..But I can't..Because I don't know how you're gonna react..I'll hunt you if you'll want to run away from me...
So..stay by my side.I'll never let you go.
(2 hours ago)

-Get out of the way!


*Jisoo fall down and hit her forehead.
While Jisoo fainted on the street, the group advanced, and when  professor  Choi looked back, Jisoo disappeared from the place. He believed that all the students were behind him, so he didn't paid attention to the little noise just then.

But...what he also didn't notice was that Taehyung took Jisoo.
Obviously, he wasn't a pervert, he just wanted to make sure of somethig that pissed him off from the moment he first saw Jisoo.
He smelled her blood .
From that moment, he was sure that Jisoo is exactly what he thougt.*

-I knew it..


-So, class, this is it!

-What? I can't see anything..

-No,not this .There!

*As the bus  had passed a hill, in front of them appeared a small village very close to the beach. Nature reigned in that village, the houses being small but elegant and welcoming. Right near the village there was also a vast forest, where anyone could easily get lost. *




-Good. Now you have time to unpack. Oh I almost forgot..We need  to decide the room parteners .I'll let you decide. But in less than five minutes I need answers.

*talking to herself*Hmm..I don't have any friends in the class.. I don't even know when I talked to anyone in the class..My time is also coming, and I want to stay alone.

-Tae,are you staying with me, aren't you?

-Yeah, Jisung. I have no better choice, buddy.

-Please, professor, let me sleep alone..I can't sleep as long as someone is in the same room with me..

-Alright, Jisoo..You can take that house.It has just two dorms, so you won't be disturbed.

-Thank you so much!

*Is she gonna sleep alone? She'll be alright?*

                   ...late at night....


*Jisoo made  sure there is no one outside, so she ran dressed in pajamas to the beach.
She sat down on a rock and looked at the luster of the water under the moonlight. *

-Wht are you awake?


*Suddenly, a shadow appeared, slowly detaching from the tree. No face could be seen. Just a body made by shadow.*


-Doesn't matter. Why are you here at such a peculiar hour?'

What do you mean by 'peculiar'? know..I heard that at this hour...the vampires are awake.


-Hhaaha..What are you talking about? *she tried to keep her cool.*

*The shadow grew more and more detached from the tree and approached the girl. In less than a second, Taehyung appeared in front of the girl. *

-Ah..Taehyung..It was you...I was scared for a moment....

-Why aren't you scared anymore?


*Taehyung  was getting closer and closer to Jisoo, who in turn was slowly stepping back. The wavy black hair of both her and Taehyung was now like a mirror of the moon. * 

-Ack..*Jisoo bumped into a tree.*

*Taehyung  got closer and closer to Jisoo, who was now pinned to the tree.*

*Huh..why am I so nervous..? *

*Maybe because the boy  was unbuttoning his shirt. His eyes were burning like fireworks.*

-Taehyung..Wha..What are you doing? *her voice cracked*

*Taehyung took off his shirt, so now he was only in a tank top. His strong arms took her breath away. *


*He put his shirt on her shoulders, wrapping her bare shoulders, as she was in pajamas. *


*He brought his forehead closer to hers .*


-From now on, you should be afraid of me.

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