Chapter 20-Flashlights

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Please,Tae..Don't leave me..It's dark without you..


*Days passed and Ji Ah was more and more scared.
She was 24/7 in the  hospital,with Namjoon.He felt worst in every day.He lost a lot of blood and had nosebleeding constantly.His state is deplorable.He can't even talk.She is standing besides his bed and take care of him every day.He looks like a dead person. *

*Ji Ah is very scared of Jisoo too.She almost dissapeared from the face of the earth.She called her for many times but she is not avaible.
Today,she decided to go to her.She arrived at Jisoo's home and found a note in the door.*

~I m gone for a few days.I'll let you know when I'm back.~

:What the hell is she trying to do??:

*She called Go Ara.She knew that Jisoo visited her this days.*


:Hi! Go Ara? You're ok? :

/Yeah..I always tell you that I'm alright but you continue asking./

:Sorry,I'm so scared of everything..Namjoon is like a dead person...Taehyung is gone and Jisoo..She disappeared..:

/Wait? She is not locked in the house?Like always?/

:I'm in front of her house.She left a note in witch she said that she'll be missing some days.:

/Pfft..That's a pity..For sure she went to find Tae../

:I hope she's safe..:


Thank you for your kindness.I apreciate a lot .

^No problem,stay as long as you want!^

*Jisoo left her bagages in the room and prepared.She had just arrived on Baekdu island,the place where she met Taehyung's friend during the trip.

*To get Taehyung back might be imposible.Even if she is a vampire too and she knows a lot of vampires's destiny,but this it's not a usual case.Taehyung was her love,she didn't want to love him at first because she was afraid.She was afraid that he will just use her like onothers.But when she felt his warm hands on her skin,she fell for him. *

*She took just a few things,just to be prepared for everything.She climbed the path that led to the sanctuary and breathed deeply. Without a second thought,she crossed the line of the sanctuary and felt a energy filling her.The sky turned a dark colour again and she was not longer alone.A beautiful young guy appeared in front of her. *

*Jisoo opened her eyes when she felt a warm hand on her face.For a second,she hoped that hand could be Taehyung's.But wasn't. *

+Well..Someone returned?+

*Jisoo turned her eyes purple and gtabbed his hand.*

I want Taehyung back.

+So? What's with you here? You ,the teenegers don't have mobile phones?+

You're acting stupid? dead..and you're the only one that can help me. is dead,huh? He was stabbed with a silver dagger? +

Yes,but in the back,not in his heart.This is the reason why I think that he can still  return .

*The beautiful man in front of her  approached her and looked her in the eyes.*

+You know that..nothing is simple with me.+

What do you mean?

+I'm the Death.Nobody can't return to life without my permission.+

Taehyung isn't nobody.He is your friend even if I don't know what kind of relationship do you have,and the most important for me.If my life is the price for his return,than I'll give it right now.

+Good,so,you're ready to do everything?+



^Hello,miss Lee,mister Kim is in a really bad condition,come quickly at the hospital! ^

:*tears* I'm coming right now.:


+First,when I met Taehyung last time,I gave him something.+

The empty bottle? Thanks God I took it with me just in case..

+It's not just a empty  bottle.It's the most precious thing you ever seen.+


+Give it to me.+

*Jisoo did what she heard and gave him the bottle.*

*The youngman took the bottle and opened it.*

What is it..?

*He tilted the glass and from this began to flow some almost invisible white drops * my blood.+

*From where the drops  fell ,fire appeared.There was fire around the two of them .*

*Jisoo got scared.*

*The youngman threw a dragger in front of Jisoo's legs.*

+The game is simple.You must kill me.+


+You're stupid or what?You can't do this?+

I don't know..I mean..You're the Death..How am I supposed to kill you?

*A black shadow disappeared from the youngman's body.*

+Now,I'm just like a ordinary human...Make what you've been waiting for.+

*With a little hesitation at first,Jisoo now thought about what will happen.It's not a simple thing to kill the Death.But..if she do this,she will be able to see Taehyung again.*

*She took the dagger and faced the Death.With a quick move, she stabbed him in the abdomen .White blood started to  flow .When she rised her head,she saw Taehyung's face.It was Taehyung,the man she had  stabbed. *

*The dragger fallen from her hand.She wanted to touch his face with tears in her eyes,but at a simple touch,everythimg disappeared.*

*She fell on the ground,crying.*

In front of her appeared a child.A beautiful little child.

+You're a very precious blood.You and Taehyung are meant to be togheter.The thread of destiny is fastened around you .+

*The Death appeared again,from the child's body.*

+Go.You can't do enything.If he was stabbed in the back,his soule survived.He must return soon.You did what was needed.It's all his turn now.+

But..Why it takes him this long? I want to see him...

+He's probably in the right place right now.He must finish some undone things.Now go.+
Wait..But..Why you asked me to kill you..what about the little bottle you gave to Taehyung..

+I didn't tell you long time ago that we have a close relationship? We had been good friends in the past..when he found this sanctuary.And now too.The bottle is like a trophee.+

My only trophee for me now would be Taehyung.


'Where am I..'

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