Chapter 7-I want to feel you

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Taehyung..Please..We can't. We must return.

'You know..I won't be this soft for a long time..I don't want to scare you or hurt you...but I think that..I'm madly in love with you....'



|Where have you been? You always disappear.|

Professor, we couldn't find the way back here..Please excuse us..

'Professor, It's my fault. I took Jisoo to the forest to find a special place as you said and we got lost because of me. I didn't wanted to upset you.'

|It's alright, now everybody go to sleep. Tomorrow we'll see what have you find out about the village.|

Of corse..I forgot.


*1 new message*

~Taehyung, please come to the beach, we must finish that project.~

'Oh..It's the project..Jisoo..Why do you tease me so hard even if you don't know..'


Sorry for calling you so late in the night but after we returned here, I wasn't able to talk to you. You are a vampire..And I don't think a young one..

'Haha..I have almost 222 years.'
....Wow..So..if you're so old..and you've been here in the past..You must know the story of this village, no?

'I'm not sure that we can write this in the project.
This story..Just a few people know it.. '

What happened here?

'209 years ago..When I was just a teenager, my parents came here with me for a trip. At that time, we came here as bats because  the cars didn't exist.'
When we arrived here, the entire village was on fire. It was a huge village back then...There were actually kingdoms. With two brothers, the kings.They couldn't deal with wich one should be the great and the only king, so they started fighting. And..The youngest, Park Hyung, made a deal with the friend wich you just seen. And..When we arrived, Park Hyung was about to kill his brother, but he suddenly died. He was a vampire too..and someone killed him with a silver dragger.'

...Good to know..And his brother?

'He survived and made that sanctuary to comemorate the fact that..vampires are not allowed here.'

Wow..that was a motivational speech?

'Haha..Stop jocking..What are we gonna do tomorrow? What story we'll tell?'

The one which the villager told us.

'Ok. But..Why?You'll have a totally different story than others..'

I know..But..I think I don't wanna put you or me in danger. So..We'll say a random story.

'Jisoo..Can I ask you something?'


'You didn't have your first transformation yet, did you?'


'Are you afraid?'

Nobody asked me something like that. Sincerly..I'm a bit..I don't know how it should be..

'Don't worry. I'll be by your side.'

*He put his arm behind Jisoo's neck*


Jisoo's POV:
It's strange. I feel quite uncomfortable. I don't feel the same way that Taehyung does. I don't love him..not yet..I like him..more like a friend..but I don't see him more than a friend. But..He's a vampire too.I don't want to hurt his feelings..I'll let him to be close to me.But I'm not sure for more..

Taehyung's POV:
I like Jisoo more and more .I'm not satisfied with just being her friend. I'm holding back a lot right now. Seeing her bare shoulders..she's just in a dress .. I want so much to make her mine..But I don't want to scare her. I don't want to make her uncomfortable. It's agonizing. Damn it! She kills me and she doesn't even know..
But I won't give up. I'll never let her go.


| sweet university..Kids,I hope you liked our short trip. Good luck at classes!|

|Good morning, students!|

Good morning, miss Lee!

|I hope your trip was beautiful. I don't want to put pression on you, but at the university will be a festival. So..Everybody will perform. I want you to sing or dance..anything. Jisoo. I remember you said that you like dancing.|

*Oh no.. *
Yeah..but I'm not that good on it.

|Jisoo. Dance or test?|

What choreography?

|Hmm..Anything. You'll need other girls?|

Yeah..It's a choreography for a  group.

|Ok..You will talk with the girls. I trust you!|

Ah..another thing, miss..When is the festival?


...Miss Lee..

|I trust you..byeeee|




'You're ok?'

No..I have to go to the gym after class to practice that choreography with the girls ... And I don't want to dance.

'* Jisoo dancing..* will you be able to learn choreography until tomorrow evening?'

Do I have a choice?


Hahah..I don't think it will work .

'I can stay with you while practicing?'



Because..You won't be surprised tomorrow.

'Pff ok'




You all did a good work. I'm sure that we'll do a great job tomorrow. Please take care and go home saftely.



'Who is it?'


*Jisoo said as she felt two warm hands on her eyes.*

What are you doing here at this hour?

'I was just walking.'


'How was it?'

Hm..Nothing special. You'll see tomorrow. Good night!

'Waait, I want to walk with you.'

Oh, why?


Ah..I forgot that you're a veeeeeeery scared vampire.


Then go home by yourself.

'Ok, bye!'


'Hehe I'm behind you'

I CAN HEAR YOU!                            

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