CHAPTER FIVE, will you be my valentine

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The next day after auditions Tabitha's parents had took her out for dinner to celebrate

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The next day after auditions Tabitha's parents had took her out for dinner to celebrate. They were so proud of her stepping out of her comfort zone and beginning to overcome her stage fright. But now it's Valentine's Day and the first one that Tabitha is in a relationship.

Before practice, Tabitha found Maeve in the library, aimlessly looking at the books. "Mae, ready for practice? EJ just texted me, saying that Miss Jenn wanted everyone in the bomb shelter."

"Yeah," Maeve looks at her with a small smile. "Let's go."

"Are you okay?" Tabitha asks her, looking at her best friend with concern. She knew something was wrong when Maeve's smile didn't meet her eyes. She looks her up and down, just then realizing the girl was wearing all black. Her eyes widen. "You're wearing all black."

Maeve raises her eyebrows, acting confused as if she didn't remember she was wearing all black. "I am?" She glances down at herself, chuckling a bit at seeing she wearing all black. She looks back at Tabitha with a sheepish expression, shrugging her shoulders. "It just happened."

Tabitha raises her eyebrows at Maeve, tilting her head to the side. She didn't believe her at all. "You only wear all black when you're upset. So, tell me what's wrong."

Maeve sighs, dropping her shoulders in defeat. "Does Valentine's Day need to exist? It's just a lame holiday that reminds me I'm still single. And besides all the cute guys here are either taken or don't even know I exist." She groans, leaning her head back dramatically. "I'm gonna be single for the rest of my life and most likely end up being a crazy cat lady." She pauses and then looks like she's thinking as she tilts her head to the side. "Maybe I just need to stop at the pet store to buy a cat on my way home today."

Tabitha chuckles softly, wrapping her arm around Maeve's shoulders to pull her in for a side hug. "Maeve, you're not gonna be a crazy cat lady. Some people don't find their significant others until college or even after college. Or maybe the perfect one for you is closer than you think. Don't give up hope."

Maeve smiles a bit, leaning her head on Tabitha's shoulder. "Thanks, Tabi. You're the best."

"Yeah, I know." Tabitha grinned and Maeve chuckled. Tabitha took her arm off of Maeve's shoulder and they walked to the bomb shelter together. When they get to the bomb shelter they take a seat on the risers, sitting on the row in front of Ashlyn and EJ sat.

"Okay, people." Carlos gets everyone's attention. "The title song of 'Beauty and the Beast' is the centerpiece of our show. Written at the height of Ashman and Menken's powers, and it's their most romantic ballad since 'Suddenly, Seymour'. As a reminder, Belle is finally falling for the Beast, and it's not just because of Stockholm syndrome. Love is love."

Gina looks at Ashlyn and Ricky. "Ricky, Ash, it's time to review the waltz." She looks at Seb. "Let's take it way under tempo."

Ashlyn and Ricky moves to the center of the room while Kourtney stood in front of the piano Seb is at. Seb starts playing 'Beauty and the Beast' and Ashlyn and Ricky began to waltz as Kourtney started singing. It didn't start off that great. Ricky acted really tired and Kourtney was singing slower than how Seb was playing and singing in a quiet voice.

Miss Jenn stops everyone, telling Kourtney to sing out and for her to make sure she really looks at Ashlyn and Ricky in the song. "Remember," She continues. "What Mrs. Potts is observing is a miracle." She points at Ashlyn. "Belle is the most beautiful girl in the land," She then points at Ricky. "And the Beast is, I'm sorry, Ricky, beastly."

Miss Jenn turns to Kourtney with a smile. "Maybe close your eyes and imagine the full scene in makeup and wardrobe."

Before they got back in their dancing positions, Ashlyn asked if she could be excused for a moment. Miss Jenn nods as she looks at the red-haired girl with concern. "Everything okay, honey?"

"Yeah, of course." Ashlyn nodded.

Tabitha shared a look with Maeve, neither of them believing Ashlyn. Ashlyn went over to the stand, picking up her jacket that rested beside where EJ sat. EJ looks at his cousin with concern. "You good, cuz?"

"Yes, I said I'm fine." Ashlyn responded while walking out of the bomb shelter.

"Okay, thank you, everyone, good job." Miss Jenn said to everyone. "We'll nail this number in time for the Menkies. The Beast's castle wasn't built in a day. Have a wonderful Valentine's Day."

Everyone got ready to leave and before Tabitha and Maeve left the bomb shelter, EJ went over to them. "Hey, Tabitha, can I ask you something in private?" 

"That's my cue to leave." Maeve smiled at the couple and waved goodbye while walking down the hallway. 

"What'd you want to ask me?" Tabitha asked EJ, moving out into the hallway along with him.

EJ smiles at her, taking ahold of her hand. "Tabitha Nelson, will you be my valentine?"

Tabitha feels the blush creep up her neck, looking at him with nothing but love and adoration. "Only if you'll be mine." 

"Of course." EJ nodded, bringing her hand up to his lips to kiss the back of her hand which made her smile at him. 


For their date they decided on doing something simple, but they had trouble on deciding. EJ came up with the idea of having a picnic in the park. Tabitha came up with the idea of stargazing. So they just decided to do both.

They had candle lit picnic in the park, having it when it was dark so that the stars were out. And afterwards they laid on the blanket, cuddled up to each other while looking at the stars both of them pointing out constellations they knew every once in awhile.

To say it was a perfect date was an understatement. Tabitha just couldn't believe she had someone in her life who meant the world to her and having that someone think the same about her.

A/N oof I apologize for this chapter being so short but at least it was kinda cute (: I promise next one is gonna be longer & more interesting since it's the one when they're all stuck at school bc of the storm.

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