CHAPTER FOUR, for the first time in forever

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Val stands on the stage, gaining everyone's attention

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Val stands on the stage, gaining everyone's attention. "Okay, everyone. Let's take some grounding breaths." With a inhale and exhale, she walks down the steps, grinning at everyone. "And we're off!"

EJ walks around the barn with a smile, moving to stand by Val, who now stood in the center of the room. "For those of you who I technically know, today, you're not Wildcats." Everyone gathers around them, holding the lyric sheet of the song they were supposed to sing. "Today, you're a bunch of blank canvases, strangers to me. Today, we've never met."

Val cringes. "Maybe don't talk." 

As she walked away, nerves overtakes EJ's features. Tabitha locked eyes with him and she smiled encouragingly at him before she blew him a kiss. The nerves EJ had slowly began to fade away, his heart fluttering at the sweet gesture. He smiled at her, pretending to catch the kiss.

Soon everyone got in positions and the music to the song 'For The First Time in Forever' started playing on a speaker. Everyone took turns with singing the song and during auditions Maddox would take pictures of everyone with a polaroid camera, the pictures going on their information sheet which would be where EJ and Val write notes about them.

The singing part of the audition was over, but now it was time for the next part. "Oh," Kourtney gets EJ's attention. "Where are the scripts?"

Confusion washes over EJ's face. "Scripts?"

"For the scene work auditions?" Gina chimed in.

Everyone began to slowly gather around EJ, all confused about why there were no scripts. "We're doing a show with no script? What is this? 'Curb Your Enthusiasm?'" Carlos asked with disbelief. 

Noticing her boyfriend was nervous, Tabitha rolls her eyes at Carlos and cut in before EJ could speak. "Carlos, of course there's gonna be scripts for the play. But we don't have to use scripts for the scene work auditions."

"She's right." Maeve smiles slightly. "Maybe we can use something else."

"Yo, Mr. Director-man." Ricky waves at EJ. "Where do you want us all to stand?"

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