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My name is Francine Abigail Peters. I'm 21 years old and I was born in Los Angeles. My family had a lot of money. I have a 24-year-old sister. She is a model, and she is Jeannie Peters. I have a 26-year-old brother; he is Carson Peters; he is taking care of our company. Growing up, I've been getting everything I want and I've been always at the top of my class. My life was a life that everyone could wish for but my mom and dad, well they were supportive but they died 2 years ago in a car accident and I and my siblings were just lucky to survive it.

Things aren't been the same since the day they died. I think I really love them so much and still can't live without them.

Maturity. I don't know if I have that. My parents taught me a lot about it, but maybe I am the type of person who only listens to the good things and only does the elementary things in life.

It was really hard to live at a young age without my parents and all that I can do is to study so even though they are not here anymore, they will be proud of me wherever they are right now...

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