Chapter 13: New Artist

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I'm still crashing and saying that I moved on but haven't even thrown or burned the things Nich gave me. I placed them in a box. I thought I will never feel heartbreak ever again but here I am now crying on my bed it's 12 and I haven't taken my breakfast yet.

I was sitting on our sofa while watching TV "Abby dinner is ready" Carson called me and I replied "I'm not hungry" Carson and Jeannie looked at each other. I know he asked permission for his wife to go here and that is pretty weird because they are newlywed but I just really don't want to eat even though I'm hungry.


My tummy was roaming. I opened our refrigerator and looked for something I can eat. I grabbed a strawberry yogurt and some coca-cola and chips, I sat on our sofa and turned on the TV. "You said you're not hungry" my sister sat beside me and grabbed a cup of yogurt I replied "just want to eat" and she smiled. As I watch a drama featuring a love story, I remembered when Nich and I saw each other for the first time a year ago well now, I just got to watch people. I wonder how is he. Is he feeling well? Is he thinking of me? Does he still love me? Did he love me?. A lot of questions yet no answers.


🎵cause I loved you.... and I hope that you're ok🎵 as I listen to Olivia Rodrigo's 'hope ur ok, I was thinking of Nich. Well, Olivia is someone who made songs for his ex maybe I should too. Well, I already did but why not release those?


No one will listen.

Probably me. I mean maybe I am the only one who can relate to my songs. Olivia got popular with one heartbreak song well maybe because she is gifted.

It was the same night and I can't sleep. I saw my microphone I grabbed it and I grabbed my song journal and placed it near my bed. I started singing 🎵I met a guy once when I was in college he was cute, he was nice and he was smart. He was everything I dreamed of and I fell for him unexpectedly now I wonder where he is.🎵 I was feeling the song like I am someone that was feeling broken that could never be fixed. I continued singing 🎵He made me happy each day that we were together. He made me smile he made me laugh and he made me cry.🎵I give out my lungs. I was crying while recording and I continued 🎵and now, I know he's here, I know he's near me, I hope he's ok, and I hope that he's happy, I hope he's not missing me cause I miss him so much like crazy. I wish that he's happy better like how he was with me oh baby be happy.....🎵

It was such an emotional song I lied on my bed and closed my eyes.

I woke up with my phone beside me and my journal beside my foot and my microphone in front of me. I listened to the whole recording and darn! It was so good! There was one thing that came into my mind... maybe I should shoot a music video.

I came to Jeannie's room and sat beside her "hey" we both said and we both smiled. "Are you ok?" She asked me and I nodded my head "well sis I want to release a song and a music video like.... just for fun... so this is my recording I recorded this last night" I played my recording and she was amazed at it. "Are you sure you want me to help you?" I nodded my head again.


"3, 2, 1 and go!" We were shooting my music video. I was walking on the road and just lip singing. We shot at different angles and I was enjoying it. I'll be honest while shooting, I was just thinking of how I might look on the cameras and I wasn't thinking of Nich at that time.


As I watch my video, I was impressed. It was cool and amazing "we should post this." I smiled and I saw my sister being so shocked "Oh! Finally! You smiled" and she pressed my cheeks though it was just a temporary smile.

"Abby! Abby! Wake up, Abby!" I was so startled and woke up while scratching my face "it's so early is! What's the matter?" She looked so happy with a big smile on her face. "You should see this. Last night, I posted your video it's been 12 hours since I posted it, and look! it's number 4 on trending on YouTube!!! It has 274 million views!!!!" I wasn't sure of what I heard but the word 'million' was clear. She showed me her phone and I saw my video with 274 million views and 2 million comments and 10 million likes.

I was so shocked while reading the comments:

"OMG!! This girl should receive a Grammy"

"That song was so painful"

"It hurts"

"Wow! What a record!"

"Congratulations for 4th spot on the trending"

"This girl is broken, I feel her pain"


There were a lot of comments and I didn't read the others but I was just so shocked! It was so amazing! I mean how was that even possible? It was so amazing.

I saw my brother looking at us and he smiled I saw it, it was cool. You're a public figure now... well I guess he will notice that. By the way, you were such a good songwriter. I saw that you put every single teardrop in it." I smiled even though I feel pain

Days passed so fast. It's been a month and now I can't do things I usually do. I released an album called "let you go" with 14 songs and it's in the number 1 spot on Billboard for 200 albums. It was something that I thought would be impossible but here I am now. I haven't heard of Nich in a while and still, I miss him and I can't deny it and I'm still wondering if he is ok Probably yes or probably not. No one can say...

It was another interview. I was sitting on a chair me and the interviewer was answering questions from fans "ok so from @jerold_king he asked you 'why did you write the whole album and to whom do you dedicate it?" Why did I write the album??? I don't even know the answer well it wasn't to call Nich's attention. Well, I guess it was. "Oh Ummm...." I laughed and continued though I was nervous I just really wanted to release a song to tell the other people about how I felt. You know, just missing my ex-boyfriend and Ummm... I didn't really expect it to be so popular and I already created a lot of heartbreak songs and not yet released those so I decided to release it after my debut album just got popular." The interviewer nodded his head "ok now from @mention me_babuytex he said 'who is your ex-boyfriend description and name reveal please'" I knew this would happen.

"Oh, my gooooooddddd" I laughed and laughed again I just really don't want to tell it to the other people I don't want to mention him because he might be watching and I don't want him to be in trouble but if I'd describe him he is so......."

Getting emotional.......

As my tears fall I was lost in the moment. Here's me again thinking of Nich.

"He was really cute you know and he was really smart and cool and nice and everything. In short, he is.... he is ideal"

I looked at my interviewer with tears on my face.

His Last GoodbyeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz