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"Jihyun, I'm gonna head out now." Jimin muttered as he grabbed his keys, and jacket, slipping his arms through each armhole, folding the dishevelled collar down as he admired his reflection.

His younger brother popped his head out from behind the kitchen's doorframe, looking up at his brother who was preparing himself in the hallway. "When will the surgery be over?"

"The surgery itself won't take very long but they were to keep me under supervision for a while afterwards in a quiet environment. I will be home by nightfall." Jimin smiled, making his way towards his brother and giving a kind pat on top of Jihyun's head and giving a sympathetic grin. "Don't worry."

"You'll text me once you're done right? I'll come and collect you." Jihyun informed thusly with a determined expression that made Jimin's tension ease off just a bit.

He was scared about going to the hospital but he needed to lie and keep a strong exterior to keep his brother from working over him. He needs to get this problem of his over and done with and this is the only way to do so. That means he has to go through with it.

"Don't stress about coming to get me, why don't you prepare some dinner for when I come back? I'd love to have your braised pork belly tonight. How about that?" Jimin asked, hoping that would tempt his brother in wanting to stay at home. He knows the atmosphere of the hospital will scare his brother more than him. It will be easier for them both this way.

Although now Jihyun was sporting a frown on his lips he just nodded and listened to his Hyung, not wanting to fight with him since he'll be leaving any second.

"I'll see you later. Don't break anything when I'm gone.." Jimin smiled one last time, pulling his hand away from the younger's head and leaving. The sound of the door's lock clicking shut was the last thing Jihyun heard of his brother which was swiftly followed by a pool of anxiety filling him up as he longingly watched the door, hoping for it to open again.

But it didn't.

/ / / / / / /

"Mom I don't think Jimin really cares about flowers. It's embarrassing to carry these." Taehyung frowned as his mom neatly picked out the freshest lilies, roses, calla, carnation, tulips and greenery to make the bouquet look fuller. He blankly watched her trim the stems and took care in each step to neatly present the flowers as perfectly as she wanted.

"Let your mother do this nice thing, you know she's been dying to make arrangements for other people besides us after she took those flower arrangement classes." The father cooed as he hugged his loving wife from behind as she continued to pour all of her attention and devotion into her craftsmanship to make the perfect bouquet for Jimin.

"People will stare at me carrying flowers." Taehyung frowned although it was very easily looked over by his mother who was too busy in her work to listen to her son's complaint.

"Just give the flowers, have you ever gotten him anything since you two started dating?" The mother fired quickly at the son but Taehyung being just as strong-willed as his mother fired back an answer just as quickly.

"For your information, I bought him a ring!" He regretted saying those very words the moment they left his mouth.

His mother placed the bouquet on the table, pulling her husband's hands off of her to turn fully towards her son, now facing Taehyung as she covered her mouth. "Aw! My baby bought his boyfriend a ring! It's like you're married! Is that why you're wearing this ring on your ring finger? You two are so precious!"

"Mom! It's just a cheap ring from Claire's it's not that special." Taehyung ground, getting engulfed in his mom's loving bear hug. He wished that he had just stayed quiet but it's too late now, the deed was done. "Seriously, it's dying my finger green."

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