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Jimin woke up the next day with a stomach ache. He really didn't want to go to school. Taehyung hasn't talked to him since the incident that took place at his house last night. Don't even get him started on Hoseok. He misses the goodnight messages he'd send with a cute selca of him in bed with messy hair and the cutest pout on his lips which you just want to kiss away and turn into a smile. He felt like Hoseok was ignoring him.

Although, the thought about asking how he was because of his recent attitude change made him a bit uneasy. He didn't want to mess his first relationship up so he was opting for just dealing with how he is acting. Besides, if you can't deal with their worst then you don't deserve them as their best. So he was prepared to do whatever he had to.

Jimin took his phone and text Hoseok.

Hyung! Wanna go and eat breakfast together before going to school? I'll buy :)!

Sure thing baby, let's meet up at the school gates in a few minutes and go somewhere close by.

Great! I'll see you there!

/ / / / / / /

Jimin sang to himself a small tune as he taps his feet, standing outside the school gate, waiting for Hoseok. Jimin got anxious as he continuously checked the time every passing second, he was worried when the time passed by him and it was dangerously close to class starting soon. Still, there was no sign of Hoseok anywhere


Jimin sighed in relief when he heard his boyfriend scream from the distance, when he turned around to find him in the morning crowd, he could see him run up to him with a half-eaten sandwich.

"Hi, Hoseok..." Jimin muttered, staring down at the half-eaten food in his hand. "Where did he get that sandwich from...?" "Where did you get your sandwich from?"

"Oh," Hoseok looked down at his food and then back up at Jimin. "I stopped by a convenience store because I knew I was gonna be late, did you get breakfast already?"

"No... I was waiting for you- but don't worry! I-I'll get something in the cafeteria!" Jimin forced a smile, he was kinda sad by the fact that his boyfriend didn't think of buying him something but maybe he might just be overthinking it.

Jimin didn't get a kiss on the nor a hug before he was left again, feeling like he just wasted so much of his time but he tried to not let it affect him personally. Although, one look at his phone's screen time and he realized he won't be able to head down to the cafeteria if he wants to get to his locker and grab his books for his first three classes. "I guess I can just get something at lunch..."

The classes dragged as they usually do, unluckily for him, the math's teacher held him back to congratulate him on boosting Taehyung's grades up to the point that he was no longer in the danger zone to get benched in their game season that was nearing just around the corner. Of course, Jimin loves being praised especially when it is for his schoolwork, but, that made him miss out on going to the cafeteria once again. Leaving the poor boy to starve for the following three classes.

"I'm gonna collapse at this point..." Jimin murmured to himself as stared up at the clock mounted to the wall, thinking it was broken because of how slow it was ticking. When the ringing bell broke the classroom, all the students ran out of the classroom before the teacher could give out any homework.

Jimin wished he could run like the rest of his classmates but he just felt too weak to. Instead, he opted for walking. He honestly doesn't care when or how he gets there as long as he gets food inside of him. Before he could even enter the line he remembered something crucial. His wallet. He patted down his back pockets and then his schoolbag but was in no luck. He must have forgotten it at home.

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