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You know, Baby. I never really met someone like you.

Baby J:
I hope you mean that in a good way. ㅜㅜ

Of course, Baby!

It's just that I feel like we have a lot in common.

Don't you?

Baby J:
I don't know, it's too early to know.

Baby J:
Like, I don't know your name for a starter, what you look like, your hobbies, about your family, don't know your age, don't know where in Korea you live if you do live in Korea, what school you go to or anything.

That's why we should meet up!

How about it? We could get some coffee, talk a little, get to know the real you. ;)

Baby J:
I don't think that's a good idea...

Baby J:
I kinda get nervous in front of new people.

That's why seeing me will be good practice ;)

Today is a school day, I know a good cafe, I'll send you the address later.

See you, baby.

Baby J:
Alright... see you.

Jimin groaned, it was a Monday morning and to make it even worse he was supposedly gonna talk to his internet friend that could very likely be a rapist/ murderer/ robber and he was scared and deeply worried since he didn't really want to die today as things were finally going his way.

"Today is gonna be a long day, especially with cheerleading practice..."

/ / / / /

"A five, six, seven, eight!"

Jimin tried fallowing the steps, awkwardly stepping from side to side as he made a ninety degrees angle with his arms in the air, waving the palm palms he was given to practice, trying to avoid the eye contact of the head cheerleader which was quite hard on Jimin, especially because he was a noob.

"No! It's step, step, slide-circular arm motions people! Is that what you call a splits?!" She gave out to one of the girls in the front row, making her apologize straight away.

"Two boys in the back! Cartwheel towards each other, leave space and don't knock the other down!"

Jimin frowned. He couldn't really cartwheel. Guess it will be an embarrassing moment for him. Jimin did his best and he somewhat did Well? It wasn't perfect but he kinda did it, and it seems like the cheerleader didn't see their flaw in his performance which he is happy about.

"Good, good. Now the lightweight! Jimin and Taemin, lift Irene." The two nodded and waited for Irene. She gripped onto the boys' shoulders and stepped in on the palm of there hand and slowly got lifted into the air. Jimin was more than happy to say that he has never been more proud of himself in his entire life.

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