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Jimin groaned, tossing in his bed, hugging his chest to try and avoid the unavoidable pain in his side. He wanted to play games online but he was unable to and that was the first time he has ever said that in his entire life. "This is gonna leave a big mark."

A knock erupted him from groaning in pain and thrashing around in his covers. Jimin sighed before saying "come in," which his brother entered as on cue.

"Hey, Jimin. How are you holding up?" Jihyun asked in a soft tone as he approached the older's bed and sat on the edge.

"In all honesty, not so great. My phone is broken so I can't text my two friends. I'm battered to the bone and to top it all off I think Hoseok is cheating on me and I can't play on on my computer." Jimin groaned. He was gonna say that this was the lowest point in his entire life but he knew that he would just be lying to himself.

"Yeah, that does kinda suck dick." Jihyun muttered earning a glare from Jimin.

"Where have you been learning bad words like that, JiJi." Jimin pouted after hearing such vulgar language from his younger sibling.

"The world has now evolved into bad words, Hyung, it's not my fault." Jihyun muttered, puffing his cheeks in distaste at his Hyungs comment and dramatically turning his head to the side like an embarrassed and or angry anime girl.

He turned his head back after a moment of awkward silence and turned soft upon seeing Jimin's state. "Although, I'll let it slide since you aren't doing too well. Do you want me to run you a bath or something?"

"That would be really nice actually. Thank you." Jimin smiled and his brother just shook his head in reply.

"You don't have to thank me. It's the least I can do. Do you want me to unwrap the bandage for you or are you well enough to do it yourself?" Jihyun teases with a subtle smirk on his face since he knew how his Hyung is so against him doing everything for the older.

"Only this once! I can do everything else on my own though." Jimin muttered, lifting his jumper up to reveal his bandaged chest so his brother could unwrap it and threw in the bin in the corner of the older's room.

"Do you want me to walk you to the bathroom as well or...?"

"No it's fine, I can walk. I kinda healed enough to do that on my own." Jimin muttered the last part to himself since well he didn't really want his brother to know how limited his mobility was.

"Alright, I'll run the bath and I'll call you when it's ready." Jihyun smiled, leaving his brother to go to the bathroom and started filling the bath up with water, looking through their collections of bath bombs and soaps for the bath. He picked two pink bath bombs since he knew his brother like the colour pink and threw them into the bath and watched it fizzed, smiling.

Once the bath was filled to a certain height with hot water he knocked off the faucet. "Jiminie Hyung! The baths ready for you!"

He heard stumbling and turned around to the door frame to see Jimin in a white robe holding two different coloured towels. "Thanks again." Jimin wobbled over to the bath and sat on the edge of the bath, dipping his hand into the water to check it's temperature.

"I'll just go downstairs and make breakfast, take your time." Jihyun beamed, closing the door of the bathroom once he left, leaving Jimin by himself in the bathroom.

Jimin got back to his feet and dropped his robe, allowing the steamed air to hit his naked body. He sighed before dipping his foot into the heated water of the bath, moaning softly as he sank his body into the bath. "Oh, this feels like heaven!" Jimin whines as he felt all of his pain slowly ease away thanks to the hot water.

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