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Jimin didn't wake up until two in the afternoon since he's been playing computer games till five in the morning. Jimin would be lying if he said he wasn't tired but he was now caught up that he honestly didn't care about his wellbeing at the moment.

The black-haired male stared down at his body and saw the same white bandage that wrapped around his stomach and half of his chest. He hated how he looked so fragile. He hated how he loved to wear fluffy jumpers in pastel colours, he hated it. Yet, that is also what he has grown to like.

He got up and unwrapped the bandages to have a shower. He grabbed a towel and for the first time since yesterday evening, he stepped out of his room.

Jimin went to the bathroom and stripped before getting into the shower and turning on the hot water. His wounds stung as hot droplets of water bounced off his skin but he quickly learnt to endure the pain.

Jimin picked up his favourite shampoo and was about to squirt some in the palm of his hand before he realized something. "Strawberry isn't manly." Jimin's eyes darted to his brother's shampoo.

He placed his one down and picked his brother's one up and smelt it. It wasn't scented like strawberry-like his, nor papaya, banana, apple or any other type of fruit. It was normal shampoo, just scented mint. "It's manly..."

He squirted some in the palm of his hand. It was plain, boring, white. It wasn't pink and sparkly like his favourite one. He just sighed and rubbed the shampoo into his scalp. His nose scrunched in distaste and it was starting to hurt his nostrils. He just tried to put up with the smell and rinse the suds out of his hair.

He finished up quickly and dried his hair and body with the towel before wrapping it around his waist to look decent enough leaving the bathroom. He left to his bedroom and threw on a tank top and shorts to go downstairs.

After the last step, he saw his brother reading in the living room, lying on the sofa. His head popped up when he saw Jimin. "H-hey, Hyung... is everything okay? You didn't come down to eat dinner last night." He was about to continue but stopped when he smelt the fragrance coming from his brother. "Is that my shampoo?"

"Y-Yeah... sorry, just wanted to use it." Jimin muttered, cheeks turning red as he averted his eyes to the ground.

"I-it's fine... just... you don't like my shampoo since it's not fruity. Did you run out of your strawberry one?" Jihyun questioned, frowning at the older's answer which was just a shake of the head.

"Yeah well..." Jimin pauses to think for a moment. "I-I wanted to see if my taste has changed- and it did! I-I think I will use it from now on!" Jimin forced a smile on his face to try and convince his brother but it didn't work. Jihyun lives his entire life with Jimin, he knows when something is up with the older.

"What's wrong, Hyung? You locked yourself in your room last night and now you are changing your shampoo? What's next? You want a piercing? Dye your hair?"

Jimin looks down and bit his bottom lip. "I-I just want a bit of a change... There's nothing wrong with that."

"Alright...if it makes you happy." Jihyun shrugs, turning back to his book to finish the chapter he was previously on.

"D-do you think we can go shopping together? I-I want to get some new clothes." Jimin mutters, fiddling with his fingers.

"Sure thing, are you going to go look for that kitten jumper? I really like the pink one with the blue stripes, that one is cute." Jihyun mutters, telling his brother his favourite choice of the colour variations.

Jimin was previously stuck between which colour would suit him best, the option was pink on purple, purple on blue or blue on pink which is Jihyun's favourite choice. Jimin really did love that sweater- but, he decided that he needs to get some masculine clothes.

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