Ch. 49

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Shoutout to inlovewithshady She's one of my biggest inspirations for this fanfic. I love her fanfic so much. It's good and it's definitely more fast pacing than mine XD. And she's also a really good friend of least I hope she thinks of me as a friend cause I think of her as one.

~Ch. 49~

(y/n POV)

I'm pregnant. Wow I didn't think it would really happen cause I thought no guy wanted to sleep with me until Em walked in my life. The symptoms were showing more and more. I was throwing up like a hangover, I craved food more often, etc. I'm about 2 Months pregnant now, and there's a slight baby bump forming. And guess what else? Right now, I'm sitting in a chair at some small church nearby the factory I work at while my sister is in this really frilly dress, walking the aisle a bouquet of white roses in her grasp. Tony was at the front waiting for Emily, adjusting his bowtie and smiling brightly. But I can tell he was nervous as hell. Everyone was in tears except for me and Marshall. Mom sat 2 rows in front of me, face in a handkerchief half the time. The place was excessively decorated. From white drapes to more bouquets of flowers. Plus the church roof was painted with angels and cupids dancing on the walls to lighten the wedding mood. t was so frilly...ugh...and I was stuck here in this red dress I was forced to wear. It was sleeve less, with a bow smack dap in the middle, hanging to my knees, my baby bump protruding from it a little. My boyfriend then hid my usual Airs and replaces them with these annoying ass flats with small wedges. Thanks Em. Emily finally reaches the end of the hall. I was too busy smiling at Emily to care about what the guy next to them was saying. I was happy for her really. And it amazes me how she's so grown up- Oh sister doesn't need me anymore...god feels like it went by too fast. A tear started trickling down my cheek at the thought Emily is no longer the little girl that would hide behind me when bullies tried getting in a fight with. Marshall, sitting next to me in a tux he looks really sexy in, notices it instantly, grabbing my hand. I look up at him, smiling, whispering, "She's no longer the little sister I've grown up with..."

Marshall leans in kissing my cheek, whispering, "She'll be your little sister no matter what."

"You may kiss the bride." were the words that turned me and Marshall's attention to Emily and Tony. They leaned in for a kiss. Applause bounced off the walls along with whistles and cheers.

(Em's POV)
Emily and Tony were dancing in the center as a slow song played in the speakers. Everyone was whispering back and forth at each other at the newly wed. I was just standing at the food table, stuffing cupcakes in my face. (Y/n) looks at me weirdly.

"Dude this is a reception. Not a cupcake eating contest," she says, arms crossed over her chest.

I shrugged and showed her my glass of champagne, "Want some?"

"Em, I'm pregnant."

I put it down, "Oh...right."

She rolls her eyes going back to looking at Emily and Tony, sighing, "It feels like yesterday when I was 18 and Emily was 9 when she came home crying at a bitch calling her names. I called the principal that day and screamed at him demanding to discipline that bitch...but now look at her...all grown need for me."

I set a cupcake down, wiping a bits and pieces of cake off my mouth, saying, "Just because she's mature doesn't mean she doesn't need you anymore."

(Y/n) sighs, "I guess..."

Feeling like I should give (y/n) some space, I just grab my champagne and go to the corner, calling Dre for some advice.

(Y/n POV)
As much as I know what Marshall said was true, it just felt too fast for me. To realize that my sister was maturing seemed overwhelming. I've always wanted to protect her for my entire life. But now she doesn't need it and I feel insecure. But she has Tony. I take a glance at my boyfriend near the corner, a worried look on his face as he's on the phone. It was probably some shit at the studio they needed him to do. Em ended the call and ran back to me, breathing deeply. What was wrong?

He yells, "May I have your attention please?"

Oh god no. Please don't start rapping. People turn their hands at him, the ruckus noise slowly dying. Em breathes deeply, lifting his champagne glass high in the air, "A toast to the happy couple."

Okay good he's not going to. My boyfriend continues as others raise their glasses with him, "To Emily and Tony, a happy marriage and a future to look forward to! Cheers!"

"Cheers!" The crowd replied. The sound of glass clinking against each other filled the room. Em gulps his champagne down and then yells again, "And now, I have a question to ask a young lady whom I love more than anything else in the world."

He turns to me. I look at him strangely. He slowly gets down on one knee and I gasp and more chatter and squealing from other people watching him. Em holds my hand as I cover my mouth with my hand, heart racing anxiously.

Em kisses my hand, saying proudly as he held it, "(y/n), I love you so much. I don't know if saying that will ever be enough to express how much I truly do love you. And if their's anything I truly want, it's not materialistic but it's too spend the rest of my life with you. So will you (your full name)," he says, pulling a small black velvet box from his pocket, my eyes streaming tears, just waiting for the words, "marry me?" He opens the box, a diamond ring so bright, a huge contrast with the black velvet behind it, it's shimmer brighter than ever.

My tears were uncontrollable by now and I uttered, "Fuck yes, Marshall! FUCK YES!"

Marshall stood back up and I immediately smash our lips together. He takes the ring out of its box while we kiss and slides it on my fourth finger. It fit so perfectly, like it was meant for fitting around my finger. I was oblivious of the applause and cheers around us, too focused on my fiancé to care. I didn't think there was anything that could happen to make me frown after all that's happened today.

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