Ch. 53

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~Ch. 53~
(Y/n POV)
~2 Months Later~
Ever since Marshall Bruce Mathers IV and Skylar Marie Mathers were born, I had quit my job at the auto factory to take care of the kids. Em was fine with it since he's rich as fuck. After the kids were born, it was time for wedding planning...the not so fun part. Emily and my friend Hannah who works at the Goodwill dragged me into a wedding. Dress store out of my own will. I was forced to change into dress after dress with all the sparkles and fluff...ugh I hated it but thank god by the fifth dress, Emily and Hannah with Skylar and Marshie sitting in their laps were satisfied.

I sighed as I pulled my keys out of my, one hand on the baby cart holding Marshie and Skylar. What a long day. I opened the door and gasped, my voice lost in shock and disbelief. Broken glass from windows and knocked over furniture was all over the house. The TV in the living room and my laptop I left on the kitchen were gone. I push the baby cart in slamming the door behind me and running to me and Marshall's bedroom. I open the drawer digging through. Well my wallet was definitely gone, but I soon disregarded that after I realized they stole something even more important...

(Em's POV)
I walked in my house and just dropped the bag of Taco Bell in my hands. What the fuck happened? Where's the fucking TV? I was careful of my steps with all the broken window glass scattered across the house. The coffee table was knocked over and all things that were on the tables and countertops were now on the floor from papers, keys, cups, TV remotes, you name it. My kids were in their cart, crying loudly. I quickly grab a milk bottle feeling them and whispering that everything would be fine. I head a faint crying, perking my ears. I leave the bottle in the cart and go toward it, poking my head in me and (y/n)'s bedroom. I see her, sitting against the edge of the bed, face in her palms, little whimpers and sobs escaping. I sit next to my fiancé hugging her close kissing her cheek. I figures what happened but what could they steal that meant so much?

"What did they take baby?"

"Look..." She said weakly pointing at the drawer I look into it, noticing the things lacking...her wallet and some left over cash I saw earlier.

"Hey baby it's okay, it's just cash. I got plenty," I say gently rubbing her back in small circles.

"Marshall it's not the money..."

"Then what is it?"

She mumbled something I could barely make out. I leaned in closer saying, "Say that again, baby?"

"The rings..."


"Marshall...they took our engagement rings..."

My eyes went wide in disbelief. I looked at the drawer again, digging through it desperately to show any sign of hope. I looked in every corner and crevice for a small shimmer, saying to myself I knew for sure our rings were here. But every where I looked it was a disappointment. I slammed the drawer closed, a loud bang echoing the room. I growl, "Damn it!"

How could I be so stupid...The reason why I didn't wear it was so the media wouldn't find out and (y/n) didn't wear it out of protection of not ruining it. But we let our guard down...if only we just wore it. (Y/n) was still crying.

"Baby," I said gently, "it's okay."

"I had just called the cops before you came home...but those cruel muthafuckas probably sold the ring-"

"(Y/n) don't think like that."

"I can't help it! It was my fault I should've been more secure. I gotta be more careful cause man, I feel like a dumbass losing something that important you gave me-"

"Don't keep saying that to yourself!" I demand, forcing my fiancé to look at me, "it's okay because who cares if we don't have the ring? It doesn't mean I'm not gonna marry you."

She sighs, "I'm sorry. You're right. But I can't help but feel guilty for losing the ring because you gave it to me, Em..."

I hug her close, kissing her head, "Hey, just knowing you care about me and what I give you is more than enough."

(Y/n POV)
I leaned in both of the cribs kissing Marshie and Skylar a goodnight with a smile. I left their room turning the lights out as I leave. Earlier today when the police arrived, I explained every detail that I could which wasn't much since I wasn't there when the robbery happened. Reaching the bottom of the stairs, I stop by Dexter's bed, kissing his head as he's sound asleep. He just snuggles a little more. I smile at his cuteness. I walk back into me and Em's room, plopping on the bed. I hear Em walking out of the bathroom, plopping on the bed. I hear Em walking out of the bathroom, the shower steam escaping the tiny room and disappearing into the air. Em lays on the bed next to me, kissing my cheek.

"Could this day get worse?" I asked.

"Not if you take off your clothes like I already have."

I turn around since Em was spooning me, facing my fiancé and kissing him saying with a smirk, "How about you take my clothes off, you lazy asshole."

He grinned evilly, "Sure you bitch."

We kiss roughly, our limbs a tangled mess. Our bodies entwined around each other as we kept kissing, a strong definite hear exchange as our skin pressed against each other. Em ripped off my tanktop and my shorts quickly and I had no underwear on. Cause we both know how much we were yearning for each other. My fiancé rolled us over to where I was below him, keeping our body close and creating no space between us. The closer the better. Em aligned himself at my entrance and just thrust inside without hesitation on moving. With every thrust came a moan from both of us. He fucked me harder with every thrust, and made sure every thrust had targeted the very spot I would go over the edge the most, forcing pleased moans of loud decibels out of my mouth. His moan came in sync with mine, a perfect harmony in between our pleasure cries. He kissed me roughly, our fencing battle of tongues keeping us close together. Soon enough my head was thrown back moaning "Marshall" loudly while he moaned back with my name. He collapsed on the bed next to me as we both panted searching for our breath with our panting. Oh god...I feel like a whore but sex was great...the best with my fiancé. I laid my head on his chest, sighing, "You're good at sex and making me feel so much better."

Em chuckled, "They're both my ultimate goals."

"Oh? What about rapping?"

"Well that too."

I snicker, pecking his lips gently, "Night Marshall, love ya."

"Night baby, sweet dreams."

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