Cuts and Drawings - Terrornuckel

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A/N: I got a really cute, slightly depressing idea by reading this so here we go. Enjoy!


Brian stared at his leg, heart breaking. Three new, two inch cuts were decorating his thigh, weeping blood just slightly.

This had started six years before when Brian was 12. He had been confused, and ran to his mom to ask what it meant. He didn't understand the tears in her eyes as she looked at the three lines across his wrist.

"That's your soul mate, baby. They're hurting, and this is how they express it. If you ever get hurt or draw on yourself, they'll see it, and whatever marks their skin, marks yours too. So let's get these cleaned up, okay?" She'd said softly as she wiped away the drops from his skin.

It'd taken him two years to realise what his soulmate was doing and it had made him extremely sad. Why was his soulmate so upset?

In response, Brian started drawing little flowers, little hearts, tiny cartoon animals. Always on his wrist and leg, where his soulmate could see them. As the years went on, Brian got more and more talented at drawing and the lines came less and less.

They still came though, and it broke Brian's heart every time. These cuts were the first in two months, and instead of cuts Brian had gotten used to getting butterflies instead.

Butterflies of all different colors, sizes, and varying styles. Monarchs, painted ladies, swallowtails. He'd started researching each kind of butterfly and fell in love with each design, each shade, each meaning.

Brian touched one of the cuts lightly, his skin already closing up to leave a scar. The cuts never lasted longer than 5 minutes, and he never felt the pain, but just seeing the wounds hurt him more than the cuts would have.

Brian shook his head and determinedly grabbed his art kit. After discovering the butterfly project, he'd started purposely learning how to draw, and had even helped many people in his school. But none of them were his soul mate.

Brian was 18 now, and his family planned on moving to America within the week. Utah, in fact, for his dad's work. Brian really hoped his soulmate wasn't in Ireland and he was about to leave them. Maybe they were in America? Hopefully?

Brian carefully drew some butterflies and flowers along his leg, making an intricate vine across his skin. He worked carefully, wanting to make sure the designs stayed perfect for his soulmate.

He worked for 30 minutes, humming softly as he drew. Finally, he put his marker down and rubbed his hand as he studied the drawing. As he watched, tiny additions of hearts and stars joined his drawing, making his heart swell.

He touched one of the little hearts and smiled. He didn't know who his soulmate was. He didn't know if they were a he or a she (which really didn't matter, Brian would love them anyway). But he knew already they were adorable.

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