Missed Plans - Krii7y

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I have been told to write fluff with no smut so here is my attempt lmao enjoy!


Smiity had been planning with John for two weeks, their anniversary date. And of course, the day they'd had planned got ruined by John being forced to go into work.

Smiity had been crushed, but he just gave John a smile and a kiss and let him leave. As soon as he was gone though he sat disappointed. John wasn't due to come home until nearly 8pm, too late for most restaurants or anything outgoing unless they went to a bar.

But who wants to go to a bar for their anniversary? No, that wouldn't work. Smiity still wanted to do something for John though, but he had no ideas. So he did probably the stupidest thing he could have done in this situation.

"Hey Matt? I need some advice," he said as soon as the other answered the facetime call and Matt laughed, stretching his hands out to crack his fingers. "You came to the right person buddy, whatcha need?" He asked gleefully and Smiity frowned doubtfully.

"You know, I probably shouldn't have chosen you for this, but oh well. Today's John's and my anniversary and we had a whole day planned, but he got called into work. I still want to do something though, and have no idea what I can set up for him," he said finally and Matt tilted his head, a thoughtful look on his face.

"Well, he'll probably be tired by time he gets off work, yeah? So nothing too big. He's definitely going to want dinner, so why not just a dinner and a movie situation at home? That's how you two started anyway right?" He asked and Smiity blinked slowly, tilting his head.

"You know, that's right. I can probably throw something quick together, and let John pick the movie when he gets home. Thanks Matt, you were surprisingly a big help," he said shocked and Matt flipped his head as if he was doing a hair toss.

"I'm just good like that. You gonna do the thing?" He asked with a wink and Smiity rolled his eyes. "Bye Matt," he said sing-songingly and he hung up on Matt while the other laughed. He wasn't about to answer that, though Matt was the only one who knew.

Smiity rolled his eyes as he headed into the kitchen, wondering what he could whip up. He wasn't the cook of the two, but he knew a few dishes. He knew for sure he could at least make some spaghetti, which sounded like a good idea. But did he have what they'd need?

He dug through the pantry, finding two cans of sauce and one box of spaghetti noodles, but they didn't have any hamburger meat. He sighed and decided to take a quick trip to the store since it was only 2pm. He could also pick up that one wine John had mentioned liking a few months ago.

He got dressed quickly and headed to the store, picking up what they needed for dinner, the wine and a bouquet of flowers for John. He'd make sure to put them in a vase when he got home. He paused, did they even have a vase?

He didn't think so, so he just went ahead and got one. Better safe than sorry. He also made sure to pick up some snacks, since he knew they wouldn't be eating dinner the whole time they were watching a movie, and it was always good to have cookies and chips to munch on.

He headed home with his purchases, bags in one hand and flowers in the other. He set up the flowers on the kitchen table, messing with them for nearly 20 minutes trying to get them to look full and vibrant. He finally stopped, knowing he failed but he wasn't a florist at all.

He didn't want to start dinner until later so he made himself a snack and decided to watch some YouTube for a while, setting an alarm for 6pm so he didn't get too distracted and forget to start dinner.

Hours passed quickly, Smiity texting John during his breaks. John kept apologizing for their ruined plans but Smiity kept waving him off, saying it was alright and they'd find another day to do what they'd planned. Which was true, but it didn't matter today. Smiity was determined to make sure John had a good time tonight.

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