Early Mornings - Terrornuckel

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Brian woke up early, a little surprised at himself. Usually he woke up at least 3 hours after Brock did, but laying there with Brock's arm still around his waist, he could understand why Brock liked waking up before him.

He carefully slid out of bed, stretching and heading to the bathroom. Once he finished his business, he went to the kitchen to make some coffee. He felt as if he needed to be extra quiet in the still, cool morning air. It wasn't even fully light out.

Once he had the coffee started, he decided he wanted to make Brock breakfast. But he didn't really know how to cook, so he was stuck. He started searching through the fridge and said a very soft "aha!" As he found a thing of cinnamon rolls. Even he couldn't fuck those up, right?

He attempted to get the cookie sheet out quietly, wincing at every tiny noise until he finally managed to get it set on his counter. He reread every instruction 3 times, determined not to mess this up for his boyfriend.

Finally he got them in the oven and he made up two cups of coffee. It was almost 7am, which was usually when Brock woke up. Leaving the cups on the bar, he headed back to the bedroom.

He paused in the doorway, entranced by the view. Brock was still sound asleep, mouth just barely open. The blanket was pooled around his feet, his expression peaceful and content.

But the best part was how the light of the morning sunrise just beamed on him perfectly, sending highlights through his short hair, accenting the color of his skin, the shadows of his face. He looked ethereal, and Brian was once again falling in love with the perfection that was his boyfriend.

He leaned against the doorway, bliss filling his heart. He still couldn't believe that this man had decided to be with him over everyone else in the world. He knew he didn't deserve Brock, but he couldn't help but just be selfish and keep him forever.

Brock stirred, but it didn't break the image. Brock would always be an angel in Brian's eyes.

Soft brown eyes blinked open, confusion and surprise turning to sleepy happiness as Brian walked closer and laid down next to him.

"Good morning Brian," Brock said softly, voice husky with sleep. Brian smiled fondly, kissing Brock's nose. "Good morning Brocky," he replied and Brock pressed a proper kiss to Brian's lips.

Brian checked the clock, a sudden thought shooting through him but he was relieved that it had only been 6 minutes since he'd walked back here. He would have sworn it'd been at least 15.

"Why are you awake so early?" Brock asked curiously and Brian shrugged. "Not sure, I just woke up. I made us coffee and put some cinnamon rolls in the oven though, they should be done soon," he said and Brock raised an eyebrow.

"You should probably go check on those, Bri. I'm going to go use the bathroom, but I'll meet you in the kitchen, okay?" He said and Brian nodded, pressing another kiss to Brock's mouth before rolling out of bed again and skipping to his feet.

He didn't know why but after having that small moment with Brock, he felt super energized, heart warm and happy.

He hurried to the kitchen, checking the timer. Less than a minute left, he'd just barely made it. He grabbed a wash cloth, not quite sure where Brock kept the oven mitts and pulled the sheet out of the oven once the timer went off.

He rushed though, the heat of the pan bleeding through the rag way easier than Brian had expected. "Ow, fuck! Goddamn shit bitch-" Brian cursed as he stuck his burnt finger tips under some cool water.

"Burned yourself, I see?" Brock said from behind him and Brian jumped, whirling around with a sheepish grin. "I didn't know where you kept the oven mitts and I thought a wash rag would be okay," he admitted defensively and Brock rolled his eyes, smiling amused as he opened a drawer right next to the oven.

"They're right here, Bri," he said, pulling at least 5 mitts out of the drawer. Brian huffed but looked back down to inspect his fingers. Brock stepped forward and gently took Brian's hands, checking his fingertips.

"You'll be fine. It'll be stiff for a couple days, but you won't die. Now, shall we frost these and enjoy our coffee?" Brock asked, kissing Brian's fingers and looking up.

Brian smiled fondly at him, nodding as he grabbed the small tub of frosting that came with the cinnamon rolls. Together they frosted them, stealing little bites and swiping frosting on each other's noses.

Brian loved this, and mentally made a promise to himself that he'd wake up earlier more often just to have more moments like this. He wasn't a morning person at all, but if mornings had things like this, Brian would definitely learn to love them.

Especially if Brock was there. Brian's eyes never left his boyfriend as he sipped at his coffee and scrolled on his laptop. There was just something about the atmosphere of an early morning with your better half, and Brian was in love.

Brock looked up, smiling questioningly at him as he caught Brian's eye. "Yes?" He asked and Brian shrugged, moving to sit next to him on the recliner armrest.

"I'm just falling in love again, don't mind me," he said quietly and Brock flushed, averting his eyes shyly.

"What do you mean?" He asked and Brian shrugged, flushing as he hadn't really meant to say that out loud. "I don't know. I just, waking up so much later, our days for me usually start with a bit more chaos, excitement and go go go, you know? But now, being so early, and then just feeling at peace with you, it's like I'm finding yet another puzzle piece that makes you you, and the more I see the more I fall," he said, playing with his coffee cup.

Brock rested his head against Brian's side, sighing contently. "I understand that. It's why I love mornings, really. And this morning? Has definitely been my favorite early morning in a very long time," he said and Brian ran his fingers through Brock's hair.

"You know, I love you," Brian said and Brock looked up, smiling. "You know, I love you too," he said and Brian leaned down and kissed Brock softly.

Yeah, Brian could definitely get used to these early mornings. Especially with Brock here.

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