So did she...

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Simons POV:
We were sat down eating brunch when we heard a knock at the door and I peered my head around the corner and saw two silhouettes in the window. It had just started raining so it was very dark outside so we couldn't see their face details.

Evangeline heard the knock at the door and jumped a bit. She then turned to us and ushered all of us to the stair case.
"What are you doing?" Tora asked her. But she didn't reply, she was too busy sorting us from youngest to oldest.
Me and Tora exchange looks, then Evangeline opens the door and there stood a old ugly looking lady. Next to her was a beautiful young girl who looked to be about my age. She was so pretty i couldn't take my eyes off her.

Tora seemed to notice and nudged me a little. The old lady stepped inside and so does the girl. The lady walks towards us and says. "Hello children, I am Nanny McPhee. I will be your Nanny for a while until you children learn to behave."
I couldn't quite hear what she was saying as I was still staring at the other girl who was talking to Evangeline.
She had a really pretty dress on that was black that just touched the floor.

She looked at me slightly and smiled back at me, then she finally walked over to us.

"Children, this is my daughter y/n you must respect her, and she will be staying in your room." Nanny McPhee said and couldn't help but smile even bigger, so did she.

We all introduced ourselves and I said my name with a big smile to which she returned.


It was about 8:00pm and y/n was fitting in nicely so far.
So far she was keeping Aggie entertained and hanging out with Tora and Eric.

I hadn't said anything to her as I was too nervous.
We had all finished our supper and was about to head to bed when I overheard her talking to Tora.
Y:y/n.  T:Tora
*still Simons POV*
Y:hey Tora?
T:yeah y/n what's up?
Y:do you know where I'm going to be sleeping?
T: umm I don't know but I heard your mama talking to my papa about sleeping arrangements and I heard you get to pick where to sleep.
Y:oh ok that's cool I guess.
Then I saw Tora whisper something to y/n and they giggle together.
Her giggle was like a melody I had never heard before.

Once everyone was getting ready for bed I piped up and said "y/n where are you sleeping?"
She looked around confused whilst all the other children were shouting "sleeping with me!" "You should sleeping next to me!"
"EVERYONE ZIP IT!" I shouted. "Let y/n choose where to sleep tonight, how would you feel if you got put in a new house and didn't get to choose where to sleep?"
She finally looked at me in the eyes and said "would next to you be alright Simon?"

A/N just pretend Nanny McPhee and y/n have already met Mr. Brown/Cedric and Cook/mrs blatherwick

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