The Carnival Trip

394 12 13

Y/n's POV:
It was seven in the morning (last timeskip I swear) on a Tuesday and Mama and Mr brown both had days off today so me and Simon had the brilliant idea of going down to the carnival that had just recently opened up down the road.

"Where the bloody hell are my shoes?!" Eric yelled down the hall.
Everyone was getting ready and it was chaos, Aggie was crying all the children screaming, Simon calling me pet names which weren't making my mother too happy.

I hadn't seen anything like it.

My mother was sorta cross at me because she had a quick read through of the immortal nanny-witch handbook and found out that I had broken two of the rules.

1. Don't get attached
2. Don't date your clients


Before I knew it the brown children were lined up, ready to go out the door.

The carnival was only down the road so we didn't need to take the carriage, so we could just walk.

I was stood next to Evangeline, who would be accommodating us, Mr Brown and Mama (Nanny McPhee ). I was still one of the Nannie's so I couldn't stand next to them, although I really wanted to hold Simons hand.

Over the past few weeks I have developed a sort of anxiety that I haven't the slightest clue as to where it came from as my life is somewhat normal. But being with the brown family has helped.


"Eric stop tripping over lily's foot!" Nanny McPhee said to the poor child who had scratched his knee from falling over countless times.

I let go of Simons hand ( 😭) and walked faster to catch up to Eric. I scooped him up into a piggyback and joined the rest of the other children (Simon and Tora) in the back with the adults.

I saw Simon smile at us as I pretended to be an airplane and Eric was the passenger. "Weeeee!" I exclaimed as Eric let out a cute little giggle.

"Oh no, sir Eric the plane is about to crash ahhh!" I leaned towards Simon for better effect.

"O-oh no-o!" He said whilst struggling to contain his laughter. 

I didn't even have to look at Simon or the adults to know that they were already smiling and looking at us.


What do you think?
I feel like that was longer,ay?

Can you guys guess my age I love it when people do that—

Don't forget to request anything and feel free to ask any questions

I'm going to do a character q&a because I saw someone else do it.

Just ask the characters done below some questions and they most definitely will be answered.










Nanny McPhee—


I think that's all

Ciao Bella

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