Without supper...

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3rd persons pov:

Once lily and Eric screamed "SHE SAID YES!" Tora grew a massive smile on her face and she ushered them out of her room and turned to Simon.
"What's going on, who said he's to what?" Simon asked frantically.
"Simon, Simon,Simon you can drop the act." Tora said sitting on the toilet lid.
"W-what are you talking about?"said Simon as he rubbed the back of his neck.

He tended to do that when he was nervous.
"We all know it."
"Know what?!"
Tora stood up and put her hands on his shoulders.
"We know you love her."
He look starstrucked.
"Ugh fine you got me, your so annoying!"
"Hahah I knew it!" Tora exited the room while dragging Simon behind her and giggling to herself and the plan she had conjured up.

"Oh y/nnnn." She called dragging out her name.

Y/n's POV:

"Oh y/nnnn." I heard Tora call me from the foyer. She was holding Simons hands and he was trying to cover the blush on his face but he was failing miserably.

"What's up?"
"Oh nothing but I know something you don't know." She looked absolutely sinister with an evil grin on her face.
She was about to speak until Nanny McPhee entered the room.
"Children I hate to be the bear of bad news but your father as requested you all go up to bed immediately without supper.."
"Excuse you." Tora said as some of the other evesdropping children came in the room.
"Why? Does that include me?" I asked mama.
She sighed before continuing.
"I believe it may be about the fact of your little plan there Tora and the consequences to come." She said as toras face dropped and Nanny McPhee ushered us up to bed. When we were all tucked in (y/n and Simon share a bed bc why not :)
Tora whispered a quiet "I'm sorry."
Heyyy I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while but remember I'm on wattpad 24/7 even at night and I loooove your comments :)

Goodnight all

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