He had fallen head over heals for her.

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Tora's POV

It was a warm and sunny Sunday and Nanny McPhee was taking us to the beach so I was helping my younger siblings get dressed.
I had noticed odd behaviour from Simon ever since he and y/n started dating which is strange because he's been less of a prankster.

So I decided I would put matters into my own hands today and get him to admit that he loved her. Even our younger siblings had caught on with this as they would see Simon holding her hand or blushing whenever she smiled. It was adorable. He had fallen head over heals for her.

Once we got to the beach I noticed y/n looking a little down in the dumps and Simon wasn't doing anything about it. So I took aggy off my shoulders and gave her to nanny mcphee and internally screamed at my brothers idioticness.

After a while of playing at the beach I noticed Simon and y/n playing with the kites and she looked happy as ever. I nudged Eric who was next to me drawing a plan for his next potion and he looked up at me as I tilted my head towards Simon and y/n and he nudged the others until everyone was looking at them.

It was outrageous that papa didn't want them together. Ok I mayyy have evesdropped a little.

Words: 232
A/n: so what do we think about toras POV? It's been so long since I've updated that I had no idea what was happening and I had to go back a few times to see if they were dating or not loool.

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