Ladies and Gentlemen

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Y/n's POV:
It was time. Simon was stood at the end of the isle where no one could see them. Simon had his arm linked with Evangeline. She was in a beautiful wedding dress with like pink and white pearls.

I was stood in front of Simon and I was the maid of honour and the rest of the children and cook and nanny McPhee were in front of us.

Since I was in front of them, Simon leaned forwards and whispered in my ear," that's gonna be you one day in the wedding dress and instead of papa as the groom, it's gonna be me."

It made me blush like a pomegranate.(I thought tomato was to cliche)  he leaned back towards Evangeline as the music started.

One by one everyone was lined up at the altar waiting for Simon and the bride. As she walked down I could see tears in her eyes and in Mr. Browns. Nanny McPhee was sitting in the crowd and she banged her stick as she looked at me with a wholesome smile.

When she banged her stick I noticed everyone including myself was crying tears of joy.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. We are gathered her today to join (idk what to call it 😭)
Cedric Brown and Evangeline Stitch in holy matrimony" (idk how to spell it)

It was the day after the wedding and me and Simon were hanging out in his tree house.
"Did we ever make ourselves official?" Simon asked out of the blue.
"Uhm yea, why do you ask?" I made sure to make to sure I sounded concerned.

"Oh no reason I just forgot." He laughed to himself.
"I do need to tell you some though. It's been on my mind for a while."
She said sitting up straighter.

"Yes? Is everything ok?"
"I think that I may have fallen in love with you."
I had to have looked like a tomato by now.
"Well duh I already knew that!" I chuckled.
"But you do love me back right?"
"Yes of course."

Your welcome 😌

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