My sweet y/n how are you?

166 4 0

Tuesday October 4th


As I buzzed back into reality, I heard my name getting repeatedly yelled at me. considering I last fell asleep in a hospital I was very confused when the voices sounded echoey.
The voices were getting louder and louder until my brain couldn't take it anymore and my eyes snapped open.

I awoke to see a plain white ceiling, decorated with only a single hanging lightbulb.
Lowering my head I see seven other beds, of all different sizes.
Ooooh i get it now
I'm at home, well the brown's family home.

I suddenly felt a desperate want and need for Simon, but he was no where to be seen. No one was.

I let out a yelp and a sharp, white hot pain flashes through my spine at lightning speed.
My eyes scrunch together in pain and it finally eased after a minute.
I hear loud thudding footsteps, they sounded like they were coming from a running little human.
I look at the door as i hear it opening and see two heads peeking around the door.
Those heads belonged to Lily and Chrissy.

"Hi girls." I give them a small wave as I re-tuck myself back under the covers and pretend like I wasn't in pain a few seconds ago.

I turn back to them when i hear a gasp "Shes awake, shall we go tell Simon?" They said to each-other.
"Yes we should." They agreed.
"Y/nnnnn" Lily walked up to me as I readjusted my pillows carefully.
"Lilyyyy" She gave me a small smile before continuing.
"Since you have awoken would you like us to tell Simon so he can come and see you?" My face lights up as I would like nothing more.
"I would be delighted for you to tell Simon."

They run off after each giving me a hug with big smiles on there faces.

Whilst waiting for Simon i decided to distract myself with looking at all the patterns on the childrens duvets when I hear a knock at the door.
It was mama.

She walked in with her big cane and slightly glowing skin which i knew that she knew that I noticed.
"My sweet y/n, how are you?" She raised her hand to my cheek and carefully held my face.
"I'm fine mama, a bit sore but I'm fine."

She then looked at me with this almost sad look that I've seen before.
"Y/n i know that you have gotten injured and formed a very strong bond with the children during their lessons but i will have you know that our time with them is almost up and we will be needing to return home."
My face dropped, i had completely forgotten about that. I don't wanna go, i don't wanna leave Simon.

"Lucky for you however I have arranged with Mr.Brown that if you would like to stay then you can stay and share a bed with Simon and they will look after you."
She gets up from the bed and fixes my blankets.
"And of course if you so much as wish to come home," she pauses and looks at me, "Then you may."

I really don't wanna return home and leave the children and Simon. I couldn't bare to do it.
Just as she was about to leave the room I shouted. "I'll stay." She turns back to me and gives me a small nod and blows me a motherly kiss. To which I returned.

After a while of waiting in total lonliness I see Simon walk through the door at wicked speed.
"I'm so sorry I didn't get to you sooner, the girls got distracted by marmalade sandwich's." He cupped my head in his hands and kisses my head. He scooch over and he sits on the bed facing me. He had grown so much since I first met him. At first he was like a baby and no he's my handsome man.

My face always lights up when I see him but this time I lit up like the single hanging lightbulb above my head.
"My love are you alright?"  He arches an eyebrow at me.

"Perfect,just perfect."
I Grab him and yank him closer to me so that we were cuddling in the bed under the covers.
"Thank you by the way."
He rubs my back and kisses my forehead.

I raise my head to see his beautiful face. "What are you thanking me for?" 
"I heard your conversation with Nanny McPhee and I'm glad that you chose to stay here with me." He kisses me on the lips and i swear my heart stopped beating for a sec.

Our sweet wholesome moment lasted a while until we were interrupted by Mr.Brown.
"Sorry to interrupt you uhm- lovebirds but y/n there's someone at the door for you."

Running downstairs with the children standing there talking to the person at the door and Simon trailing behind me holding my hand, im very confused because who would want to see me?
Until I turn a small corner and see a police car and a policemen with a badge that only people that know what me and my mother do wear and my face drops.

(882 words)

Eeekkk I hope you guys enjoyed this!!
I'm very excited for the next few chapters!!

I broke up with my bf btw 🤭

I'm also writing another book with my good friend OnlyKingOfSaturn  

Entitled Soulmates Where stories live. Discover now