What did you do!

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Simons POV:

It was morning and everyone was starting to wake up except y/n who was sleeping peacefully, however I couldn't stop thinking about what y/n told me yesterday. That Nanny McPhee was using magic. Anyhow I brushed it off and got out of bed to go see if cook was making breakfast yet.  Once we had started eating breakfast I saw a figure in the hallway limping towards the bathroom. I got up out of my chair as Tora and papa said "where are you going Simon"

Y/n's POV:
I woke up finally and it felt late, later than I usually wake up. I was about to walk downstairs because no one was in there beds not even mama when I tripped and badly hurt my knee.
"OW!" I yelled very loudly. But to my surprise no one heard me.

I hobbled down the stairs as my knee was in a lot of pain when I saw Simons gaze cross everyone then land on me. I finally made it to the bathroom when the door opened slowly.
It was Simon.

As soon as he saw my knee and the tears in my eyes he rushed over to me and held me so I didn't hurt myself anymore.
"Omg what happened are you alright? What did you do!" Simon says as he put the toilet seat lid down for me to sit on it.

"Don't worry Simon, I'm fine I just tripped getting out of bed." I said with a little giggle. Nanny McPhee came in the door to see what was going on as Simon did yell pretty loudly.
"Hi mama..." I said shyly.
When her gaze landed on me she then lifted her stick and slammed it on the ground causing me to flinch.
Me and Simon looked to our side and saw a small array of first aid items that were not there before. Nanny McPhee then started attending to my knee while Simon held me while I was sitting on his lap with his arms around me.
I was so glad he couldn't see my face because I was blushing like a mofo (that's just what me and my parents call a crazy person).
"Nothing too major mama I just tripped getting out of bed and my knee banged on Toras  bed that had a nail sticking out because it was broken, that's all!"
She gave me a little smile and finished with my knee.

Simon helped me walk downstairs and all his siblings were wondering if I was ok during the whole day. It was finally time for bed and Simons helped me get dressed, ( get your mind out of the gutter)
"Simon.." I started. He looked up at me with those chocolate brown eyes.
"Y'know you do have to help me I'll manage on my own."
"I know... but I want to" he said with a big grin.

This was going to be a long night.

A/N sorry this is a short one. I promise there will be a big one tmr!

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