What was all that about?

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"Hurry up Simon just spit it out already I want to hear the question you so badly want to tell me."

He looked at me with promising eyes.
"Listen y/n I know I haven't known you for that long and your the freaking daughter of my nanny but..." he paused before looking side to side and continuing.
"I want to be your boyfriend." "What do ya say?"

I was stunned. My jaw dropped to the floor and possibly broke on it's way down there. I see the heads of his siblings peeking out from the door frame, in clothes resembling that had just got back from the beach just in time.

"I- I don't know what to say."
I had a strong urge to pinch myself to know if this was really happening.

"I- uhh y-yes YES you can be my boyfriend."
His worried look quickly subsides with a gigantic smile as I leap into his arms and dig my head into his shoulder.

"The cheering of the children reverberate around the house like a symphoninotic (I don't know if that's a word) rhythm. Mr.brown,nanny McPhee and Evangeline all come up the stairs to see what the commotion is all about.
"What on earth is going on here?!" Nanny McPhee and mr.brown said at the same time.

"Simon is now y/n's boyfriend!" Tora yells.
Mr brown looks between the other adults before sighing. "Good heavens."

Simon and I pull apart and the children stop shouting as everyone looks at mr.brown.
Nanny McPhee and Evangeline had left the awkward situation.

"Is there something wrong father, this is a good thing isn't it?"
Simon questioned his father before him with me still in his arms.

"Y-yes I suppose it is, please uhh go to bed now children goodnight."

The children all look amongst themselves, "what was all that about?" I questioned.

Your welcome 😌

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