I should have sat on simons lap in the car..

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A/n let me know if you still want this chapter to stay in the book bc this is just an idea( for now)

Y/n's POV:

Today was the day ahh!

Today Simon started football.
After much convincing for Mr Brown to let him play football he finally gave in and said yes.
You should have seen the look on his face.

He was ecstatic

I am now walking home because somehow there wasn't enough room in the car. Especially because there was a bunch of football gear shoved on two seats.
There was a lot of protest about it, especially on simons case and it took me a while for him to calm down.

I swear I could see smoke coming out of his ears.

Fortunately for me, it's only a 15 minute walk from the football field to the house.

I tried to walk home as fast as my legs could carry me as I didn't want them to worry, I mostly didn't want my mother to worry because personally... I think she's getting very sick and the magic is taking a toll on her.

Nothing drastic has happened yet but I notice that she's been more pale looking and she hasn't used her magic in over a week.

I can see the faint blue coloured sign that turns towards our street on the distance when I'm pulled by my forearm towards this alley.

While I'm shock I look up to see a person, gender unidentified, wearing only a balaclava mask underneath a black and blue hoodie with matching black and blue sweatpants.

I let out a disgusted scream as they continued to drag me by arm down towards the end of the alley where I see a white van parked.

I proceeded to kick and scream as I feared that I would be kidnapped.

Now I know nothing in the martial arts department or the self defence department so right now I'm pretty clueless.

My worst fears came true when I got thrown in the van causing my head to hit the floor of it.

My head pounded as I lifted my arm to rub it. I felt a crimson liquid drip from the back of my head.

I desperately try to grasp onto the door handle to open the door but my hands are shaking too much and they are so sweaty it's unbearable.

I should have sat on Simons lap in the car.

My heart starts racing as I see the brown family car drive past the alley completely oblivious of my screams.



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