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Y/n's POV:

I don't know where I'm going to be sleeping but mama and Mr brown said I can pick where I want to sleep which I thought was awfully generous of him.

I wanted to sleep next to Simon, because I must admit he was kinda cute and he was only one year older than me!
I pluck up the courage to ask him and I say" would sleeping next to you be alright with you,Simon?"

In all honesty he looked like he was about to throw up but he had the largest smile on his face that touched his ears.
"I- uhh- s-sure" he stuttered and I giggled a little bit.
Simon and Tora helped me get ready, by setting up a  bed for me to sleep on which was placed next to Simons bed and they found me some clothes to wear.
We were all getting under our covers when mama came in the bedroom.
"Y/n I see you found a nice place to sleep, is it cozy?"
She said, leaning down a bit towards me.

"Yes it is mama very." I say and smile at Simon who smiles back.
(I'm just going to call her nanny McPhee from now on but I will call her mama when y/n is talking)
Nanny McPhee walks down the aisle of all eight beds and heads for the door when Simon says.

"You must feel at such a disadvantage Nanny McPhee."
She stopped and turned around and I glared at Simon knowing what he was up to.
"In what way?"
"Because we know your name but you don't know ours." He says and nanny McPhee walks over to the end of Simons bed and he reaches out his hand in order for her to shake it.
"Pleasure to make your acquaintance, I'm oglinton fartworthy." He says and Nanny McPhee shakes his hand.
"How do you do?"

He looks shocked by her response and she continues back down the aisle towards the door, looking at each child as they each say a name that is clearly not there's.
"Booger mchorsefanny"
"Knickers o'muffin"
And so forth.

I just have a big smile on my face as I know what is about to come because I have tried this before I my mother.
She reaches the door and looks back at everyone and says,
"Goodnight lily, Goodnight,Sebastian, Goodnight Christianna, Goodnight Eric, Goodnight Tora, Goodnight Aggie, and Goodnight y/n and Simon."
She says and walks out the door.

I shout so she can hear me. She is going to sleep in the attic but I wanted to sleep with the children.

"How did she do that, no one ever knows our name!" Eric says in complete confusion.
Simon looks at me next to him and I mouth the word 'magic'

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