Moving Away

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Back in Chicago, my house, my home, I had the perfect bunch of friends. It didn't matter if we were popular or the nerds of the school or were just perfectly non-existent, what we cared about was having fun and living life like it's everything. I love my friends and will never forget them, I had told  them before my parents dragged me onto the longest car ride I've ever been on. I never thought that I would wind up in this tiny town, a day away from my real home and far away from my friends. Moving to this town called, Sea Corner was a big mistake made by my parents for many reasons that will be told later on. 

I hopped out of the car, tears dry on my face and stared up at my new house. UGLY, was my first thought. The outside of the building was white with flower designs carved into it, the front door was a beige colour, that matched the colour of the dirt here, and the windows were dusty to the touch. Seriously, I have to live here? Shaking my head, I re-joined my parents where they were opening the door, and as soon as i stepped in the strong smell of paint filled my noise. I sneezed more than 3 times and once I calmed down I looked around the place. The hallway near to the door was wide and long and on the left side was the sitting room. I opened the door and it was a decently sized room. I continued inside the room and opened another door which took me to a dining room. There was already a dark oak glazed dining table sitting there with three chairs around it. I huffed as I walked into the room and opened another door and this was the kitchen. My eyes opened wide as I took in the sight in front of me, the kitchen was already furbished. The cupboards where a sleek white that shone against the led lights on the roof. There was a long island table that reached from the corner wall to the end but there was at least two metres space left. There were three ovens on the wall, two microwaves an electric stove and lots of cabinets and drawers. I walked out of the room and it led me back out into the hallway, so I guess they are all connected, and went out to the garden. The freshly cut green grass was amazing. It was wide and long. There were concrete slabs on the side that I walked along. Next to them were white pebbles that looked so amazing, though pebbles can't really be that amazing. 

"Do you like it so far?", my mother said, standing by the door. I turned to look at her, I was tired and wanted to go back to Chicago but it was too late for that.  

"Sure.", I sighed, rubbing my forehead and walking past my mum to go upstairs. 

The stairs had a cream carpet on them and it was soft to the touch. I went up them and looked at the two rooms. My parents, of course, had the master bedroom and I had the normal bedroom. It was a wide room that had my new bed already fitted in the middle and everything. I sighed as I went to go explore my new room. There were two long bookcases that extended to the roof's height and there was a long dresser table that was along the wall on the other side. On the wall by the door there was a pull up desk. When I pulled it down there was cupboards and a MacBook laptop. I decided that I wasn't ever going to pull it into the wall and leave it there as all my stiff would fall if I pulled it back into the wall. 

I threw myself onto my bed and sighed. I opened my phone and immediately I saw 100+ notifications from WhatsApp, most from my friends. I opened, read and replied to all of them. I would do anything for them, I love them so much. Just as I was about to open the last text from my best friend, Cece my parents walked in. 

"UP!", my step-dad boomed at me. I jumped but didn't get off the bed. Instead I looked at him with the stink eye and when he realised I wasn't getting up he grabbed my arm and dragged me off the bed. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Laying down.", I shrugged freeing myself from his strong grip. I saw his nose flare at my answer and he slapped me across the face, hard. I screamed in pain and I stumbled onto the floor. My mum screamed at him and he won the argument by screaming louder than her and slapping her. I wondered why she ever fell in love with him. I looked up at him, tears streaming down my face and built the energy to get up. 

"DON'T EVER HIT MY MUM!", I screamed as loudly as I could, but I regret doing that because he punched me continuously until I fainted. 


"Catch this!", Mike shouted behind me as he threw a box of crisps at me. I sighed as I grabbed it and tucked it under my arm.

My friends were absolutely crazy but that was the benefit of being boys, you can never really tell when we are crazy or not.

I looked outside the window staring at the familiar surroundings when my eyes landed upon a car that I was sure I had never seen before. I squinted my eyes at it and sure enough it was out of the ordinary. All the cars in Sea Corner did not look like this one because they all were old. It pulled up in front of a house that had been vacant for almost 2 years now and out came a tall woman. Her hair was tied up in a brown bun and she wore a floral dress (is that what it was called) and on the drivers side was a white man almost the same height as the lady. He was bald and wore sunglasses. But one person that caught my eyes in particular was a girl that got out of the car at the back. 

It seemed as if everything slowed down because the wind began to blow her hazelnut hair to the left and her eyes were a perfect chocolatey brown. It seemed she had been crying because she kept rubbing her eyes and her face was wet. 

"Shit.", I whispered, but it seemed that I had said it a little too loudly because all my friends stopped what they were doing and came behind me to look at what I was seeing. 

"Damn, who's that?!", one of them mocked.

I rolled my eyes and went to sit back down at my bed. I watched as all my friends turned to look at me. I placed the box of crisps onto the floor besides me.

Mike smirked at me. Daniel didn't care and Jake was staring and snickering at me. I scowled at the twins, Mike and Jake and they burst out laughing. Daniel looked at them both, sighed and sat next to me. 

Jake and Mike weren't identical so I could tell who was who. Jake had a freckled face, black hair and Mike had no freckles and his hair was brown because he decided to dye it during the summer break. 

"Is she moving in?", Daniel asked me.

"I think so, I saw bunches of trucks come to this house before you guys came."

"Is Daryl in looooooooooooooovvvvveeee?", Jake teased, placing his hands together to make a heart shape. I threw the box of crisps at him.

"Eat that and shut up!", I told him.

I kept thinking about the girl, she was... gorgeous. Was Jake right was I in... no she's just moved in. I took a packet of crisps and shoved it down my throat. 

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