High on what you think

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Sitting down on the couch, I heared my sister talk to her boyfriend, my mum's intense make out session with my dad, the TV and my dog barking loudly at something. I hated being here, at home. It didn't even feel like that, no it didn't even feel like a home, it felt like a fucking ghetto. I got up, grabbed my  phone and went out the front door. As soon as I did, the hell that I lived in was shut out. Breathing in the fresh air, I put my hood up and my hands in my pockets and began walking down the road. I decided that today was the day to pay a visit to one of my friends. But it wasn't Daryl, Jake or Mike.
"Hey bro!", Bryan greeted me with a hug and a handshake we had made when we first met. I smiled and slapped his back. He was already holding a cigarette in his hands. I smiled at the others, getting them with hugs and when Bryan finally caught up with me, he handed me the cigarette that he was holding. I kept my hood up and fixed it everytime someone walked passed. I knew that getting back into this business was a risky thing, especially when I got caught last time. I took a puff and Bryan came up to me, he had a tiny plastic bag with a green substance in it and I instantly grabbed it from him. If I wanted to get through the rest of this day, I would just stay out tonight, not as if my parents would care.
It wasn't long before I began stumbling everywhere, stinking up the already stunk up place. Bryan sat down next to me, a huge wad of cash in his hands.
"What...what... where did you get that from?", I asked nodded towards the money and back at the brick wall in front of me.
"My friends did some deals, this is what they owe me.", he explained, snorting the cocaine from his finger.
My phone rang and I searched for it in my hoodie pocket. I fixed my hoodie over my head and put the phone to my ear.
"Hey man, where are you? We're heading out, didn't you say you were coming?", Daryl asked.
"Nah...I'm busy at home.", I told him, darting my eyes around.
"It doesn't sound like your at home.", he pointed out. This was the problem with Daryl, he was able to tell if I was lying or not. I mean I've known the guy since kindergarten.
"I'm in the car.", I lied even more.
"No your not, we saw that your parents, and yours is parked outside. Shit, Daniel where are you?", he sounded concerned.
"I told you, I'm on the bus, you dipshit.", I groaned, forgetting my previous lie about being in the car. I was high so I didn't really know what I was saying or doing.
"OH FUCK! DONT TELL ME YOU'RE WITH BRYAN!", he screamed into the phone.
I rolled my eyes, clearly not affected and told him, "No." And ended the call. I knew he would come rushing down here so I made the bold choice go leave. Bryan said his goodbye and handed me all of the cash, I smiled great fully and took it from him.
Stumbling my way out of the alleyway, I put my hood more over my face so that nobody could see me and slowly but surely made it to the bus stop.

It hadn't been too long before I heard the bus stop in front of me. Looking up slightly I scanned it for my group of friends. Luckily nobody was there so I went back to my phone. Unfortunately I hadn't seen my friends who were standing directly in front of me. I took my last puff and threw my cigarette on the floor before looking up directly at Daryl. His face was filled with shock and horror, his mouth was opened wide in the shape of an O. He grabbed my arm and sent me flying into his chest. He hugged me so tightly, it was weird.
"Where is he?", he whispered.
Instead of answering I handed him the tiny pack of dope he offered me and the money.
"Shit. Daniel why didn't you tell us?", he asked.
"Not everything that I do I have to tell you.", I explained becoming annoyed at him.
"Let's just go home. Fuuuuuccckkk, man your eyes are red!", Mike pointed out.
Slowly but surely I made my way into the bus, with Daryl by my left side and Jake on the right.
When we took our seats, I rested my head on the window, as the others talked about something else. I felt my eyes become heavier and heavier until I couldn't hold them any longer and I blacked out.

I found myself inside Daryls room. Asleep on his bed. The room was quiet but downstairs I could  hear the faint noise on the TV and Jake and Mike laughing their heads of as usual. I smiled, I loved my friends. Quickly, the smile faded and instead pain struck me all around my body. My head throbbed dramatically and as I tried to stand I tripped over my own foot and was sent flying onto the floor, face first. I guess the others heard it because they came sprinting up the stairs and went straight into the room. Mike was the fastest of the three so he was inside first, and he instantly helped me up. I thanked him as he placed me on the bed.
"Your eyes are still red.", he pointed out.
I just nodded.
"Is he alright?", Daryl came after, out of breath.
Jake was right behind him and Mike smiled at them. "Guess you guys aren't as fast as I am.", he joked, folding his arms and tapping his foot on the floor. We all laughed, but mine sounded a bit choked.

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