Hospital Greeting

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The beeping of the heart machine made my ears burst. My eyes felt like they were filled with blood, because all I saw was red. It took me a good minute to get back to normal but when I did, the pain came rushing to me all at once. My body stiffened, and I jolted back. It was as if someone had used an electronic shock on me. I let out a shriek of pain and instantly the door was thrown open to my aid. Two femal nurses and a doctor came to me. They all seemed panicked. My heart rate began to pick up and so the machine began to become quicker, louder, scarier. But I couldn't move, and my breathing quickened.
In just a second, everything went away and I felt slightly better, but not too much that I could just get up and walk to the other side of the world. That would've  been me before all of this but not now, not the shaken up version of me. I took deep breathe in and I finally was able to calm down.
"Is everything okay?", the doctor asked after I was done with my episode.
I nodded and sat myself up properly, I had to fight the pain though.
"Okay, let's go over what has happened to you, then we'll do a quick check and see what to do after that.", he told me. I couldn't process the information quick enough but once I had I nodded at him. The doctor patted my knee and got up off my bed. He made way to the door and he popped his head out of it, and when he came back in two nurses, one male and the other femal walked in with kit inside their hands. Quickly, they got started and first they checked if the pain in my body was bearable on a scale from 1-10, ten being the worst and 1 being least.
"9.", I replied truthfully.
Instantly, the doctors face turned from happy to increased concern. He picked up one of my legs and I screamed in pain. Ot was nothing I had ever felt before and I wanted it to be over. He carefully placed my leg back on the bed and left the room with both the nurses. His face was serious and concerned. Eyebrows burrowed and forehead creased, that's how he looked.
He left the room and shut the door behind him. I guess they thought that I couldn't hear them but they were wrong, I could make out words, muffled words, and then silence.
"...she's feeling pain, just by the touch of my hand. We are going to take her to take an x-ray, with a specialist and we'll see from there.", I made out those words, unsure if some of them were even correct.
Suddenly the door opened and I saw my mum walking in. She looked beautiful as ever and all my body ached for her. I wanted her, she was something that I had left. The only person that I loved left.
"Hey, baby.", she said, she seemed very worried. She took her seat on the corner of my bed and placed her bag on the floor. I looked up at her and smiled. I couldn't say anything, I just wanted to break down into tears, and that's what I did. I cried, and I felt her cradle me in her arms like a baby carefully. I wailed and I didn't want her to go, ever. I didn't care if she found a new boyfriend, hoping her was better, I didn't care if she had sex with random dudes I just needed her. Not Felicity, not Daryl, nit my step dad and not...Daniel.
My mum pushed my loose hair away and she smiled at me. My face was wet with tears, and now I was sobbing. Gasps of sadness.

It was around lunchtime that my food came. In front me the lunch lady bought me briyani rice and chicken. I'm a white American girl but my auntie had was from India and she always used to make me, so I decided to see if it was anywhere close to hers. Sadly not but it was delicious nonetheless. My mouth watered and I wished for more but I couldn't have any. Hospital rules, that's what they told me, but I just rolled my eyes at them and threw my head back in my pillow.
About half and hour later, I was awoken my an unexpected visitor. I rubbed my eyes and concentrated hard on their face.
My heart began pounding quickly and I realised that it was Daniel. His quiet self made me swoon over him, almost made drunk. He was wearing a black hoodie and blue jeans and he looked amazing, though his scent was lavender it was mixed slightly with the horrible scent of cigarette smoke.
"Hey.", he greeted quietly.
"Hi. Why...why are you here?", I asked, staring at him.
He put his hood down and ran his hand through his hair before speaking.
"Are you feeling better?", he avoided my question. I wondered why but didn't bother him with it.
"Not much."
He scootef closer to me and I looked at him. I hadn't noticed it before but he had a scar from his lip to his chin. The hotness was just increasing everytime I saw him. He smiled when he noticed I was taking in the pleasant sight before me.
"What?", he chuckled.
"Nothing. Just looking at my hero. Thanks out there.", I really meant it, I was incredibly grateful for him that day. I tried to fix myself up but the pain became to unbearable that I sent myself flying back into my pillow. Daniel panicked and he got up to try to help me. He picked me up slowly. He held my hand, it was warm and soft against my cold hand. His eyes were concentrated on my eyes and he helped me out, speaking words to help me through.


Me, Jake, Mike and Andrew were sprawled on the floor going through the equipment that he had. He went though each of them, explaining how to use it.
"We,", Mike said, pointing to me and his brother, "Won't need these explanations. We have you.", he said, pointing to Andrew. The boy fixed his glasses on his nose and nodded quickly. We laughed at how scared he was and I switched on my phone, hoping to see any new notifications from anyone. And I had got one, but it was from someone who I hadn't spoken to in a long time. My heart thunder in my chest, I hated this person to my core. If I knew I wouldn't get caught I would personally murder them myself.
Bryan- that's who had texted me.

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