Against the clock- literally

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Don't play the song yet, I'll tell you when. This chapter is very spicy.

As girls, we needed to plan what we were going to wear for the prom. So we went to the the mall, in the city and shopped for clothes there. The theme was Against The Clock, and we thought that we should all
dress up together. Me and Felicity were going to wear olden time dresses, whilst Daryl and Jake were wearing olden time tuxedos.
The boys were on the other side of the mall, shopping for their clothes while us both went to another.
Jake had asked her out a few days ago, and they were going to the Prom together so all she spent the day saying was how he proposed to her.
"'ve told me that for the 5000th time.", I giggled.
She apologized and continued shopping in silence.
In our first shop there wasn't anything that matched our liking so we went to another and there we found the most extravagant, most beautifully designed dress we had ever seen. There were two, that matched our needs perfectly. My one was black, with golden patterns stitched onto it neatly. And Felicity's dress was as stunning as mine. Her dress was brown, and the skirt was poofy, there was a turquoise belt.
Our dresses were stunning on us. And we went to go buy them.
But the price was too expensive!
$300 for my dress!
And $300 for Felicity's!
My mouth opened wide, in shock.
The woman who had created the dresses, was the one standing at the till. Her hair was blonde, and she seemed young, around 30 years old at most, and she wore a skirt and shirt. She was very pretty.
"Oh my god, the price is so expensive. We can't buy it.", Felicity exclaimed.
As we apologised and went to go put the dresses back the lady called us back with the dresses.
"Im sorry that the price is high, however I have an idea. If you could pay me around $50 dollars now, I could let you rent the dresses for the night that you need it.", she offered.
Me and Felicity shared an excited glance and I nodded. Quickly I pulled out $50 dollars out of my purse.
"Thank you so much."
"No worries," she said as she scanned my dress, "When do you need the dress?"
"Friday.", I told her.
She nodded and put the dress away, "It'll be waiting for you, here.", she smiled and then Felicity went to pay for hers.
As we left the store we went to the jewellery store. was too expensive so we ran out the store, dying with laughter. As if we had that kind of money!
We sighed and went to the lift and took it downstairs. Socialising my his car, we were met with Daryl and Jake who were speaking to each other.
"Finally!", Daryl threw his arms in the air in relief. "Can we go home now?"
And before he went inside the car, he stopped what he was doing.
"Where...are your dresses?", he asked.
Me and Felicity shared a look and broke into laughter.
Daryl looked pissed off.
"Are you seriously telling me you spent all this time and you didn't buy shit?", he asked, angrily.
"Nah! We're getting them on Friday. Rent.", I said.
He sighed deeply, slightly frustrated, and got inside his car.
Felicity and I took the back seat and thr boys were at the front.
And with that, we drove home.

Yesterday, Julie gave me the ticket for the prom. She told me she hoped to see me there. I wasn't planning on going.
And I don't think I will.
I sighed as I layed on my bed, drained from the school day. Yes, I was going to school but only for a few hours. All the teachers wanted answers, they even called the police but I refused to answer or even attend their questions.
As I stared at the ticket in my hand, my phone rang. I got up and answered it. It was Julie.
"Hey.", she spoke first.
"Daniel, I just wanted to ask you if you're coming to the Prom?"
"No. I'm sorry that you wasted your money, even though I didn't ask you to buy it for me, but I'm not going. I'm...busy.", I lied.
I heard her sigh, sadly.
"I don't want to. Okay?"
To be honest, I was done following what Julie always wanted. She told me to be friends with Daryl, and I tried, so hard. I tried to hang around him, talk to him but he acted as if I wasn't even there. I even lost my popularity, but I didn't care about that.
"I've got to go. Bye.", I said and hung up the phone.
I wasn't going to the fucking prom and that, was final.

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