The boy from last night

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"Hope you have a great first day here, Miss Sandy. Goodbye.", Principal Amesh said as I got up and out of the room. We had been sitting in there for a good half an hour as he rambled on about expectations from the school and myself. Who were my teacher. He had also informed me that Felicity was to show me around the school but when I left the main office I couldn't find her anywhere.
I cluched my day planner in my hands as I marched around the busy corridors.
As I searched and searched for her I stumbled across a long hallway that was dedicated to just maths. There were math equations and addition and subtraction signs painted on the wall. I stood there, admiring the detail and hard work that was taken into this. I smiled to myself. It reminded me of my dad. He used to take me out in the middle of the park and paint what we saw. A specific painting that I remembered well, was a dead tree in the middle of winter. My dad took me outside when it was snowing and we painted a tree with no leaves. It was cold and I was shaking so much but my dad hugged me tight and promised me he would never leave me, but he left two years later. He was killed in a car crash by a drunk driver. I never got to say goodbye and soon after I found out my mum was cheating on him with another guy and the day after his funeral she bought him and introduced him. That day I cried and cried until I couldn't anymore. I still have the painting hung up on my new bedroom wall and my step dad hates it but I don't care. He knows that if he touches it my mum would break up with him because  she knew how much it meant to me. He acted as if he loved her but it was all an act so he could have her for sex and money. I knew he cheated on her more than I could count and my mum was oblivious to it all. On many occasions I would tell her about it but she never listened and I would get into trouble for accusations.
A hand woke me from my flashback. It stayed there until I turned to look at that person. It was Felicity. I stared at her face and she looked at me sympathetically. I didn't notice it but I had a tears running down my face but luckily the hallway was empty so no-one saw me. I quickly wiped my tears away and looked down embarrassed.
" I never knew staring at a painting about math could bring tears to someone's eyes.", she joked.
I giggled and pulled her close to me. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tight. I heard her muffled gasp and I let her go. Felicity grabbed my elbow and intertwined them before we happily skipped along the corridors.
As we went around the school on a tour we ended at the locker room on the top floor. We were exhausted at the laughing and stairs but we were still happy and ready for anything nonetheless. The locker room was empty because everyone had started second period so we were in there by ourselves. I enjoyed being around Felicity, she made me feel happy and loved.
"So... let's talk.", she said sitting down on a bench.
"About what?"
"You know what! Boys. Have you met any boys in this shit town?"
I giggled as I looked down at the floor. I thought about my encounter last night. I smiled cheekily and Felicity jumped up and down excitedly.
"Details NOW!", she squealed.
"OK, so, basically I was about to binge watch my favourite show on Netflix. And so as I was about to press play someone started ringing the doorbell. I was like, who's that? so I went to the door and opened it. A cute guy was standing outside it, well I didn't think he was cute because I'm not like that, but anyway he looked so  nervous and he said hey to me then he left."
Felicity stared at me, her mouth hung open wide in the shape of an O. Finally she burst out laughing and I joined her. We laughed so hard that we couldn't even breath properly, but the laughs were soon stopped by the locker door opening wide.
The door creaked open and four boys walked in it. Two of them were throwing around a ball, the other seemed to have no expression and the main one in the middle of the group had a smile on his face. Time seemed to slow down because everything was going in slow motion and I swooned slightly as the main boy ran his hand through his hair.
Felicity broke me out of my gaze as she got up and sat down next to me. I realised that the boys were all staring at me. I heard Felicity gasp next to me.
"Hey.", the main boy said nervously.
I narrowed my eyes at him and I was able to identify him. I elbowed Felicity slightly and whispered to her, "That's him!"
Felicity looked at me and then back at him over and over before she grabbed my arm and squeezed it tightly. I looked at her and she gave me a smile.
"I didn't know anyone would be here.", the boy said.
"I didn't know anyone would be entering in here.", Felicity spoke back, crossing her arms together.
"Go away, bitch ", one of the boys that were passing around a ball spoke up. I rolled my eyes and stood up, and then I noticed it. Both of the boys that were playing around with the ball were twins, I shrugged my shoulders and defended my new best friend.
"Bitch? Please! She will not follow your rules nor will she go away. In fact we were here first and so we should be saying that to you, so please. Go away bitch!", I said before sitting back down. All the boys, even Felicity were all staring at me. I shrugged my shoulders at them all. Felicity opened her mouth to say something but shut it again as soon as the bell rang.
"Guess you should be heading to class, nerd.", the twin said, waved us away. I was about to speak up again but o found myself being dragged away by Felicity.
"Girl! Do you not know who those boys are?", she asked me as we walked along the corridors.
I shook my head, all I knew was the boy from last night and his friends were bastards and I would smack their faces if they spoke to her like that again.
"Those boys are the most popular boys in the school. They've been rumoured to be in gangs, involved with drugs and guns. They've also been rumoured to hurt anyone they don't like at first sight.", she spoke all that with one breath. I crosses my arms and shrugged my shoulders, I didn't care. If they didn't like me or Felicity why didn't they just get it over and done with and kill us. They're just rumors, what part of them is true, I thought as I've my way to my first class of the day.
Despite it being the period before lunch, I still thought attending at least one class today would do me some good. Luckily me and Felicity were in the same class and so we made our ways their, arms linked. I had no idea that the school was this huge and it came to be a surprise to me when I realised that it had taken us ten long minutes to get to the front door of our classroom.
The teacher was waiting outside it, I guess he knew he was having a new student because he smiled when he saw Felicity with an unknown girl.
"Hello!", he greeted me with a huge smile. I smiled back and entered the class. It was bigger than I thought, and these were just the English classrooms. Every wall had quotes from one of the teachers favourite sonnets by Shakespeare. I sighed as I took in the fresh and calming scent of new books. I enjoyed reading and studying, and so I knew that this was going to be an easy lesson. I wasn't like others, I cared about school more than popularity or looks, although those are equally as important. I loved to sit down, take time to myself and read, because I was sent to another world of imagination that I knew would never be like my life.
"Bestie, sit!", Felicity snapped me out of my day dreaming once again. I looked around the class, it was empty. I asked my partner why no-one was here yet.
"There coming, everyone is sent after the second bell rings.", Felicity reminded me. I nodded and took out my things from my backpack.
The teacher wasn't in the classroom and told us that he was going to grab a book for me. The classroom was empty and I looked around.
"So... you're saying that Daryl... Daryl came to your house last night and said hello to you? Please don't be lying!"
I nodded my head and that seemed to reel her in. We sat there, talking about how I moves in, my last life that I had to leave all behind and my step father, and the reason why I came to school for my first day in a police car. Felicity gave me a sorry pat but I told her I didn't need anyone pity and that I was fine. Just as I said it the class finally came rolling in, it had been so long I didn't even realise that the second bell has rung and the lesson was about to start!
As the third bell rang, indicating that it was time for the lessons to begin, the door opened for the class. Four boys started into the class like they weren't even late. I clenched my pencil case hard as I realised it was the boys from earlier, and although it didn't seem to faze me, the fact that they were popular made me shrink back into my seat. Daryl looked at me when he took his seat the table across from me and smiled. Felicity had told me his best friend with no emotion was called Daniel, and he sat down next to Daryl. The twins seemed to be nowhere and so I relaxed relaxed little, at least this lesson wasn't going to be as chaotic as I thought.

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