Anger Issues

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As promised I have made this chapter longer. Usually my chapters are around 1000 words. I've tried to make it 2000.

In the morning I felt tired, emotionally and physically. My head hurt so much and I couldn't think properly. All that came through was Daryl and our date last night. It was perfect. Everything went so good. We ate, and then skinny dipped. And I felt parts of a boys body I hadn't felt before.
I rolled my eyes at my dirty mind and got up. Another long day of school awaits.

As I was parking, I saw a huge crowd of people rush into one area. Screams of amusement echoing around the area.
"What the fuck?", I whispered to myself as I got out the car. I decided to run and join the crow of people running.
I felt scared, I could hear two people shouting angrily at each other. It reminded me of my step dad. Tommy.
I pushed my way to the front of the crowd. And to my shock I saw Daniel and Daryl fighting. It seemed like Daryl was losing because Daniel was sitting ontop of him punching the shit out of him. Daryls face was bleeding, but he was helping himself.
"I swear," Daniel grabbed his shirt and pulled him up to his face, "I might end up doing something I don't like. You know! You know!".
I was frightened at what Daniel was doing and saying.
I decided to take action.
I ran into the crowd, and pulled Daniel away. He tried to shake me off but I stayed on tightly. I hugged him so tight, he wasn't able to move. He was just sitting there, silent, still. Breathing heavily too. I brushed his hair back and pulled him away. Daniel was sitting on the road, staring into the distance. I let him go and went to help Daryl. He was still conscious. His face was seeping with blood, and there were black and purple bruises everywhere. I noticed that Daniel was stronger than I thought, much more stronger. My blood curdled at that thought but I had to stay strong in that moment. I grabbed Daryl and helped him up. Slowly, I passed him onto other kids who sent him to the nurses office because I couldn't do it myself.
"Daniel?", I whispered as the crowd began to disperse.
"Hm?", he replied, looking up at me. His eyes were blank with no expression, he became his old self. Unemotional.
"What's wrong? What happened?", I asked.
Daniel looked up at me and laughed like a mad man.
"I don't think you know me or Daryl very well.", he chuckled.
I knew he was being delusional, he just was still angry, although at what, I didn't know.
I slid my bag off my back and got out a wet wipe from it, and began cleaning away the blood from his hands. He would have to wash away the sweat and other stuff on his face.
Despite the bell ringing, I stayed outside with Daniel, and helped him out. Once I knew he was calmed down I left him to do his own thing. Whether or not he was going to skip school, I didn't know. I placed my hands on my crutches and quickly made my way to the nurses office.
"Hey.", I greeted when I saw him.
The nurse was treating him with his wounds. He already had a stitch on his forehead that stretched until the roots of his hair. And multiple plasters were stuck on his face.
"Hi. T-thanks out there.", he said, as the nurse went around the room.
"Sure.", I said, placing down  my crutches and taking a seat in the chair beside the bed he was laying on.
"What happened?", I asked, brushing hair from my face.
"Daniel saw us last night. He was angry that we were together. Just told him to shut the fuck up and he punched me," he laughed and pointed to a huge purple bruise on his cheek, "Didn't hurt one bit though."
I stroked his cheek, and watched as the nurse helped him into a wheelchair.
"Guess we're struggling together, eh?", I elbowed him lightly. Winking at him.
The nurse radioed for some assistance and it came after few minutes.
Together we went to homeroom.
The girl in the crutches and the boy in the wheelchair.

My fists were clenched together tightly. Breathing was heavy and quick. I couldn't even hear what the hell this teacher was saying to me. He was just talking to me, writing, pen in his hand. What was this bastard doing? He could certainly see what I looked like, so why wasn't he trying to help. I clenched my teeth hard together. It would be the only thing stopping me from breaking out and breaking everything is sight.
I hadn't meant to stumble upon Daryl on his date with Julie, I was only meant to run the last packets of dope that were left to sell by my boss.
I fixed my hoodie up and was walking down the street like a normal person. My backpack filled with the last bags I had left for that night. I enjoyed taking the way to the City Centre with a long, quiet view of the ocean and night. I loved how the reflection of the bright stars at night looked as they rested upon the mirror-y face of the ocean. The colour of water was always a midnight black. Smelling the salt in the air made me calm down, but all of that didn't stop me from seeing Daryl and Julie together. Instantly I felt a jolt of pain rush through me, she had used me. She kissed me, I told her all my secrets, I was vulnerable to her. I let myself go only to see someone that I liked a lot go and betray me like that. I cluched the brick fence in front of me. I was frustrated. They were skinny dipping. She had never gotten naked in front of me, does that mean she...
I shook my head as I watched Julie undress. Her eyes scanning her surroundings. I knew she couldn't see me but I could see it on her face. She was scared because she knew something was up.
"Daniel?", the teacher asked, snapping me back into reality.
"Hm?". I was tired and I didn't want to be here any second longer.
"What triggered your anger for you to go all crazy on Daryl?".
I stared at him coldly, who the fuck was he to ask me all these questions?
I got up, grabbed my bag and left without answering any of his questions. What dumb shit was that?
Slowly, I made my way down the hallway and out the front door of the school. I typed in the code that only teachers were supposed to know, and opened the door. The fresh air was amazing. In there all I could smell was coffee and books. Ugh.
I spotted my car at the end of the parking lot, and it was sitting next to Julie's.
Instantly I thought of something. That bitch had me all over her like a toy, so if that's how she was going to treat me, I would do it back. An evil grin spread across my face as I got a pocket knife out of my car. I needed it just in case there was anyone that I didn't like or tried to harm me.
I smirked as I walked happily to her car. She had no idea.
I got down on my knees and began carving out the first letter.
Scratchings of her car paint were all over the floor when I was done but I didn't care. What an expensive payback.
At last, when I was finished I stepped back to look at my beautiful master peice.
There was a four letter word that I had written in great handwriting on her car.
I put the pocket knife away and brushed off my hands. A good work done, I smiled.
I checked the time on my phone, it was only 9:15AM, meaning lessons had just gotten underway. I got inside my car, unsure of where to go but then I knew. There was somebody I had to pay a visit to.

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