Shattered into a million peices

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I was awoken by someone tapping my shoulders, and the hand was firm, and cold. This wasn't Felicity's, and a wave of sacredness washed over me. I threw myself up and looked at the person. Noticing it was the person that I had punched last night, I threw myself back on my pillow and groaned. Felicity wasn't here, I didn't know where she was but I didn't want to be awake. Then I was reminded of the message that Kyle sent me yesterday.
"What do you want?", I asked, rubbing sleep from my eyes.
"Are you okay?", Daryl asked me.
"Why are you asking me that? I literally just woke up, like what the fuck?", I asked, annoyance building up inside me.
I looked at his cheek. It was purple and black from yesterday, and I could see him rubbing it when he spoke to me. I didn't feel bad at all, in fact when I saw the bruise I started to laugh. He stared at me, like I was crazy, like I was drunk. He looked scared and backed up a little.
"I'm going. Don't try to talk to me, I don't wanna be anywhere near you. Bastard.", I ended, getting my stuff and making my way to my car. I turned around and spotted Felicity talking with Patricia, who was on her phone and didn't seem to care about what she was saying. I then looked at Daryl who was shocked to what I had said and was staring at me. We maintained eye contact until I got into my car.
As soon as I closed the door, I sighed and banged my head multiple times on the steering wheel. I was tired, emotionally drained and wanted nothing more than to go home and sleep. I hated being out, it was something I wasn't used to doing, especially in this town. Groaning about the upcoming event that were coming, I made my way to my house. Whilst I was driving, my mind raced about my old friends. I wanted to cry, cry so much. I just wanted to go back to Chicago, where I belonged. Not here, not I'm Sea Corner.
I gripped the steering wheel, I couldn't even see the road properly. Tears were starting to form in my eyes, I was driving for gods sake! And then I felt it. I lost control of the wheels, and my car began to skid off of the lane that I was in. Coming from the other side of the road a huge truck was coming my way. It collided with my car, causing it to collapse in on itself. I screamed, cried for help. Tears running down my eyes, I tried to open the doors but I couldn't. The back part of my car was gone, I was lucky I wasn't on the other side because I would've... died. I could hear screams and sirens wailing. And I couldn't hear anything after that. Everything went dark, like I couldn't see anything.

"Julie? JULIE?!", I heard someone familiar shout out to me. I didn't want to open my eyes because of the sheer noise that was coming. Everything sounded high pitched and it hurted my ears. And then, I made the decision to open my eyes, and i regretted it deeply.  All the lights in the room were too bright, and I looked away from the ceiling and looked into the person's chest. Tears were coming down my cheeks again. I was stiff, and every movement was like someone was slamming a hammer into me.
"Julie? Baby...", I heard the voice say again. It was a females and instantly I felt slightly better. It was my mum's, one that I hadn't heard in what felt like years. Tears were streaming down my face, I didn't want to her to leave me. Instantly, my mind raced to the court appointment, and I tried to get up but I couldn't because 1. My body was so stiff and shaken up that I couldn't move. I couldn't even feel the pain. 2. Because I had wires all over my body and I wanted to rip them off. My mum gasped at me and took my hand. She squeezed it tightly and I felt my tears fall down more.
"You're going to have to leave now, Miss.", someone said. My mum turned to look at them and nodded. She got her stuff and left the room. I hadn't noticed it before but one of my eyes weren't opened, and even when I tried as hard as I could it just didn't want open. My heart began to beat crazily.
"Mum?!", I screamed. The doctor who had told her that walked into the room, his eyes sympathetic but he manged to mask it well with a straight face. I cried hysterically, I didnt want anyone else to be here except her.
"Julie, it's okay. Hey, shhhh.", he told me, whispering. He took a seat on the edge of my bed and tried to calm me. Why was life treating me like shit? What had I done?
"I want my mum!", I cried like a baby. I felt like one at that.
I was shut up quickly by a long needle that was injected into me that made me scream in pain and then I stopped crying. In fact I felt like all my pain had disappeared. But only the crying did, not the physical pain. I wondered for a minute what was in it and then I started to giggle like a school girl.
I felt all my teenage hormones rush over me for every second. One second I was happy the next I was pissed off at everyone in the room, and then I was back to my normal self. The normal self who hated her life and wished she had a better one, the self who had an evil step dad and had to go against him in court. The one who couldn't stop thinking about her kiss with Daniel. He was like a drug, and I wished he was with me. But then my mind told me he wasn't worth it and that I shouldn't waste my time on someone who would never love, never take care of me.
"Are you okay, Julie?", the doctor snapped me out of my thoughts. I nodded, staring at him.
"Good, now I need to tell you something alright? You...are not,", suddenly the person who was once a doctor, turned into my my step dad, "...I not go against me, you little dispshit. Everybody hates you, Julie.I gave you a life!", my name echoed around my brain, the room and suddenly everything seemed to be warped. The event that had occurred, revered. All the way from the doctor, the needle, me hugging my mum, her leaving me alone, the car crash, and then it stopped. I jolted upwards, tears running down my cheeks, sweat pouring down my head. I couldn't see anything properly, but when I my eye sight fixed I was able to understand where I was. Nobody was with me, I was alone, on the road. The deafening wailing of the sirens made my ears ring. Hitting my head on the roof of my car, I screamed again. Wanting help, needing it, begging for it. My car was still underneath the car, and it took me a while to recover from my dream, if you could call it that.
Everything around me was pitch black,but then the noise of the truck pushing itself deeper inside my car, I screamed again. I was going to die if nobody helped me. Suddenly a warm hand shot itself inside the gap between my car and the truck. Without hesitation, I grabbed it. They dragged me out of the gap and I was out free. I didn't take time to look at my hero but I hugged them so tightly. I cried hysterically in their chest, and I felt their beating heart relax slightly and they hugged me, tight. Behind me, I heard my car give in to the pressure of the truck, and it disappeared underneath it. I shrieked at rhe loud clanking of metal. The person who was holding me squeezed me tighter.
"Are you okay?", they asked. The voice was unfamiliar, but I knew I had heard it before. Building up the courage to see who had saved me, I looked up. My heart began to beat rapidly, and my arms loosend around their waist.
I couldn't speak because I was shaken up by the current events but Daryls best friend, Daniel, had come to my rescue and I was here, in the middle of it all, hugging the living daylights out of him. I felt embarrassed, and I quickly wiped all of my tears away.
"Hey, its okay. I'm going to take you to the ambulance, and everything will be fine.",he  he explained to me. I nodded staring into his eyes. There were tears forming slightly in his eyes but he knew better than to break down. He stayed strong, and it was He picked me up, and I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my head into his chest. He was sweaty but I didn't care, I needed him right now.
I was placed on a stretcher, and was put away in the ambulance. Officer Kyle was there, so was my mum but Daniel wasn't allowed to go inside. I felt his lips on my cheek, he kissed me goodbye and left without saying anything. My eyes were closed when he did it, so I thought he thought he didn't know I could feel it but he was surely wrong. It sent shivers down my spine, my whole body in fact. That kiss sent me awake again and I found myself on the way to hospital, once again.

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